So what DOES make a good Forum?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. I expect it's been covered before but what with the demise of the Italian Sportsbike Club Forum (sorry to learn Ozz) and the apparent defection or disappearance of several regular contributors who were here a year ago it seems that maybe it's not that easy to sum up..
  2. plenty of pickles
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  3. The people!
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  4. He said forum NOT poppadom!
  5. The people a good sense of humour
    and tolerance
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  6. Pah! :wink:
  7. Your well tolerated ;-)
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  8. Oh yeah.........good point, well made :smile:
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  9. hmmm... the people.. such a can of worms are we - I thought we were a fairly level headed bunch on here, the 'self-policing' seems pretty good, humour ok generally and excellent about once a week - but it's only me saying this and that's why I need all you to chirp up :smile:
  10. Not a problem, just one of those things....
  11. A mixture of folks with different backgrounds and circumstances - check.
    The ability to have "robust" discussions that don't terminally disintegrate into name calling and handbag bashing - check (mostly)
    Good technical discussions and helpful attitudes to those less knowledgeable - check (mostly)
    Good banter and off-topic discussions - check
    The ability of posters to keep tech stuff in the tech threads and banter in the off-topic area - check (mostly)
    Low levels of unnecessary interference by moderators - check (edited by mattmccabebrown at 17:35 13/08-2013)
    General feel-good feel - check

    Generally this place hits the spot for me. Mileage as always may vary.

    NB Matt did not edit my post, it was a joke. A joke. Matt, feel free to move this thread into the Lounge, even though it's already in the Lounge.
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  12. Free icecream and a waffle every week.
  13. Fine Roman architecture and Roderick.

    Seriously? The people and perhaps a light touch on the moderating.
  14. I have to agree with Loz in post 12.
    And that explains Anth's post saying people! It is the people on here, who make this forum what it is. There is banter, there is good tech help for those that ask, there is disagreement on some subjects, but that is what life is like, we aren't all the same, we can't always agree on every subject, and the world would be a lousy place if we did!
    The Mods do their job well in my opinion, and the folk on here make me pleased to have joined the wonderful world of Ducati ownership!
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  15. I stopped posting on here when I sold my Ducati but I still like the site and the people on here. Also its sooo quite over here: The Triumph Forum
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  16. No need to stop posting Richard, you've owned a Duc, so you have experience others don't have, and maybe you'll have another in the future!
  17. Has he been released yet?
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  19. :smile: I do miss it
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