Was looking for something else at the time, but I found this as I will be searching myself soon https://abbastands.co.uk/product-detail.asp?item=engine-stand&pid=82 Quite reasonable if you compare to Ducati prices and the mounting arrangements look suitably adjustable. I think the 1200 engines as just about under the weight recommended.
Looks like a great solution - has anyone used them with a (modern era - belt or chain cam) Ducati motor? Thanks
Some more great ideas here. I really like the one @Bridgland has. That looks a proper bit of kit. At the moment i'll see if i can get away with timber and straps, but i may take @Bridgland up on his offer of his stand on loan. Thanks all
Perhaps from my own experience but that's a bold thing to say.... I won't be needing to take the engine out again...
We've got this one which is a bit more robust and will carry various engines... It can be rotated 360 and hold where you want it...
Those have really got to be the best ones to use for all round access & working on... although I notice it appears not to be on castors/wheels?