So what DOES make a good Forum?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. I think this is a big part of forum success. Matt comes across as one of us and not a power crazed dictator treating us all like children.
    The previous ducati forum in the UK was a lovely cuddly place but there were too many 'out of bounds' subjects and too many moderators. Because there were so many do's and don'ts the moderators had to intervene much too often and that led to members getting pissed off.

    The only moderating that needs doing is to stop any nasty, personal, abusive behaviour. Everything else is free speech.
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  2. As Chris says.............its where you are comfortable......

    ......after all, if the bike technical answers can't be dealt with here, what's to stop you visiting another website now and then?

    As I see it, the biggest problem will lie with any website, when 'someone' doesn't read the posts properly (or the poster isn't able to explain their issue in a grammatically correct and understandable way) and the 'someone' answers in either a sarcastic; pompous; know it all; can't be wrong; don't dare challenge me; and then starts the real personal abuse............(not simple taking the p*ss, I mean).

  3. People can be nasty, personal, and abusive towards me* if they want. It won't upset me, but it may give me an opportunity to respond constructively and move the discussion forwards.

    * This does not apply to other users.
  4. Are you sure you are not confusing us with another forum? Not much right wing politics here.
  5. Moved to blowing smoke up Matt's arse section
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  6. I must get around the building that section. Sounds like a winner to me :tongue:
  7. Edited by mattmccabebrown 14:45 14/08/2013

    A situation arose on a former Club website (former? Maybe it's still around :wink:) that was a little similar.

    A topic started to fill up that club's site that many were just not interested in. A temporary solution was to enable two different types of "New Posts" or "Today's Posts" search, one that included posts from the "offending" sub-forum, and the other type of search excluded that forum from search results.
    This worked really well, IIRC, and it was only when the subject of that sub-forum became the main/only business of the club that the feature (and the club :tongue:) ceased being useful.

    So how about enabling two types of "New Posts" search, one to include results from "Lounge" and the other to exclude them. That would work well for the two types of poster/reader using the site.

    Moved to Forum Suggestions by mattmccabebrown 14:46 14/08/2013
  8. i truly enjoy the banter on here, whilst picking up very useful info along the way. don't change it, takes all sorts to make a forum.
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  9. A colouring in section.
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  10. I almost thought that was racist...for a moment :-0
  11. I reckon El Toro and Figaro would be the perfect moderators in that section :tongue:
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  12. I accept the challenge :upyeah:
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  13. I agree with Arg

    Im here for the personal abuse, no matter how much I wind someone up, they always back down in case they get thier posts deleted or better still, banned from the forum.

    No on a serious note, TBH, im just here for the personal, no, I mean just for a bit of friendly banter. No offence to anyone, I couldnt hurt a fly. hell, im even a flippin slow rider no one ever wants to go out on a ride with me. (yer go on, say it's just cos im an a-hole lol)

    Ive made loads of friends recently, even today, even the ones that take me the wrong way. :wink:
  14. I'm a relative failure, only been banned twice. :cool:
  15. Ive been on numerous motoring forums over the years and a forum needs to be active, all the time, or it gets boring. I even left the BMW club it was that .....quiet. This forum is one of the active I have ever seen. I know some have said that bike talk and techy talk is all they want, but with out the Lounge and the Gallery sections etc, it would soon tale of and be too quiet.
    The FZ proboards forum was very quiet, mainly due to the fact that a rare bike meant fewer members, sometimes that's just the way of things.
    Im glad this forum is here and not so much on FB, it would really kill it.
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  16. See that sig of yours? You need to work harder so you can drop the bordering part and get an iASBO.
  17. [​IMG] Originally Posted by Cranker V2 [​IMG]
    I reckon El Toro and Figaro would be the perfect moderators in that section [​IMG]

    I accept the challenge [​IMG]

    • oh no, dont let him start closing threads- who knows where it will end......

  18. Bugger off.................they can't even join up the bloody dots............
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  19. BMW?...................That explains it............
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  20. We can. Just not in any particular order :smile:
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