
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. So... Watched a bit of the England, Scotland game earlier. Since getting older, I've lost interest in football. Too many overpaid pansies feigning injury, spitting at each other, and generally causing thug behaviour when not on the pitch. I used to be a season ticket holder for West Ham. Did enjoy it back in the 80's / early 90's. just think its over publicised cheap TV now.

    Do watch some of the World Cup and Euro Championships when it's on, but don't go out of my way to do so... Any foozeball fans here?
  2. To be honest I can take it or leave it nowadays, used to love it but I'm afraid the sport has lost its touch with reality.

    now all i see is simply a bunch of hugely over paid arrogant arse holes with very little genuine heart for the game left, many of which are just dressed up mercenaries with such over inflated opinions of themselves I'd rather not bother with it.

    I'm sure there are good guys left but you know I'd much rather be one less viewing figure in the blind hope the arse falls out of the market and the game comes back to reality, its just about money these days nothing more.
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  3. I support Middlesbrough. So no, I'm not a fan of football.:frown:
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  4. Technically I'm an Everton season ticket holder but I go about three or four times a year at the most. The reality is that the season ticket actually belongs to my wife who goes to every home game but she's also a shareholder so if there's ever a game where tickets are hard to obtain she can claim her allocation as a season ticket holder in my name and as a shareholder then sell the ticket to a friend if they can't get one. When the season ticket was in her name she could only get one ticket so she decided to play the system.

    I don't particularly enjoy the game any more and only go with my wife when it's an away game in London and I get a day out on the piss.
  5. I'm a life-long Chelsea fan, but the last time I went to Stamford Bridge Peter Osgood scored...

    In fact it's got to be at least 20 years since I stepped inside any football stadium. Football priced itself out of contention for me years ago, and the introduction of so many foreign players means there's naff all in the way of home interest. I try to keep abreast of Chelsea's results, but without satellite telly it's not really worth it.

    Upwards of £40 to watch a game of footy is taking the piss in my opinion, and when that 90 minutes consists of a bunch of ballerinas practising their dying swan routine I could happily load up the Uzi and take every one of the feckers out:mad:

    I'm still facebook friends with Chopper Harris though...
  6. I follow Tottenham for my sins, although I haven't been to WHL for just over 10 years now. Watch games I can on tv these days and take a lot of grief off Arsenal fans (still) :( On the plus side, things are much better than they were 10 years ago!
  7. I was footie-mad as a kid, and I'll still watch on tv or down the pub but just can't get too 'bovvered' about it any more. In fact it's so over-hyped and underwhelming these days that I hate the start of the season as you know the days will soon be filled with endless drivel about transfers, sendings off, was it a goal etc etc. It's just not THAT important...! This just about sums it up for me:
    #7 domRusty, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  8. Another Everton fan here, used to be season ticket holder but just go to a handful of games a season now, good day out when i do go though, not a cheap day out by any means.
  9. My No2 son is an Everton fan for some reason. And has been since he was about 5yo. I have no idea why.

    He prolly gets to about 80% of Everton home games too. The fool. :smile:
  10. The lads got sense obviously :upyeah:

  11. I prefer to go and watch rugby rather than football and it cracks me up when a player gets a decent hit and my wife asks if they're allowed to do that to each other. It's a contact sport; of course they're allowed to throw someone out of the way if they're being a nuisance and if they're lying on the ball expect to get kicked off it.

    The fact that I can stand by the pitch drinking beer and smoking tabs also helps as does the fact that it's a 10 minute walk for me and £15 to get in to see a team in the top 4 of the Championship :upyeah:
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  12. Never been a fan and agree with your analysis.

    Football sets a shocking example for young people today.
  13. We blue noses are almost all in here!

    still, very disillusioned with football in general and go watch very infrequently. Prefer rugby, either code will do.
  14. I've taken my 5 year old granddaughter to a rugby match but I wouldn't expose her to a Premier League football match because of the abuse being hurled in all directions. Not that there isn't a load of swearing and drinking going on at the rugby but it's not being screamed by blokes going purple as they get upset by a decision going against their team.
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  15. I love watching good football & rugby, I hate being surrounded by idiots in the stands, which happens in both games, but the level of idiocy is particularly worrying at the footy.
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  16. In comparison, how curious it is that at MotoGP/WSB/BSB/TT/Club racing the level of idiocy in the crowds is so low. Really bad behaviour is extraordinarily rare - maybe in the campsites occasionally. Wonder why that would be?
  17. Why is it that idiocy seems to be non existent at Rugby matches no matter how much of the devils urine opposing fans have consumed?
    My theory? the referees at Rugby matches are still very much respected along with their decisions. Football? its cool to face up to and abuse the ref gobbing off at any decision that goes against you. this is reflected in crowd behavior im afraid.

    Football? nowadays is nothing more than a money making / losing machine.

    Tell you what, lets be radical, lets make a rule that teams can only consist of players born in the town the club allegedly represents!

    More of this Association Football - Harry Enfield - Mr Cholmondley-Warner - YouTube
    #18 Phartycr0c, Aug 16, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
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  18. Tend to agree that foozeball seems to attract the scum / Jeremy Kyle wannabe's of our societies. I don't think it's down to only the ref being insulted though - More to do with lad culture nowadays. Why anyone wants to go to a match to see there team do well and then kick off at anyone or anything when they lose is beyond me... I blame the players themselves a lot of the time. They are not exactly role models...

    I also agree that Rugby is a much more pleasing experience. Shame the 6 nations tickets are so expensive though!!... Mind you, there have been times when Rugby players have also shown loutish behaviour!...:frown:
  19. Yes, but they get dealt with:
    Disciplinary Judgments
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