Proof that big boobs can win you a gold medal

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Aug 13, 2013.

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  1. We all know that, you dont get a bigger tit than Seb Coe!
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  2. UCL Alumni FTW!
  3. And proof that lazy journalists will always recycle old stories - they were going on about her missed drugs test in 2007 again in the news... And how, because of that, she'll never be a "great"... Sad how the news media works in the UK.
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  4. Also interesting to note that Eurosport is a french controlled complany, and we know how well they took to London beating the Paris bid for the 2012 Olympics, and that the author of this splendidly biased piece of trash has not had the courage of their convictions so have not put their name to the article.

    I particularly like this bit:

    "Ohuruogu was cleared twice by drugs testers either side of her third missed test and three independent inquiries concluded “forgetfulness” was behind her mistake. But every other athlete adhered to the strict rules by practically having their life governed by the doping whereabouts scheme.
    Just because Ohuruogu’s story appears to add up doesn’t mean we should necessarily excuse her and blindly celebrate her success."

    Which to me reads, 'everybody with access to all the information has given her a clean bill of health but because I'm a petty minded non-achiever I know better so I'm going to bitch on about this for as long as I can get paid for writing drivel'.

    OK, I might be overcooking this just a bit :smile:
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  5. Couldn't have put it better myself, Stevie...
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