750ss Recommission Thread

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by TBay, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. Made a start on my 750ss today. Got the tank cleaned out and fitted new filters. Decided to be optimistic and drained the carbs before adding clean fuel and gave it go. result?, nothing! Not even a hint of firing. Checked the plugs and they are black and sparks were poor. I cleaned them up but have ordered new ones anyway. Still poor spark after a clean.

    There was no hint of firing so looks like it will be Carbs off when I get a chance and give them a full strip. Fuel pump is going well and the return flow is healthy so guessing the fuel is getting to the carbs and it’s going wrong there.

    Despite knowing this was the likely result I have to admit to being a bit disappointed.
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  2. Yup, loads
  3. I poured a bit of petrol down the carb and didn’t get anything but that’s a pretty agricultural way of doing it. Battery is on charge at mo so will give it a go when battery is back up to strength. I never use easy start as it seems to muck stuff up after you’ve used it for some reason.

    Spark was visible but not consistent, guessing from what you have said that may be fairly standard. I think dirty carbs are the most likely culprit. Getting them out looks a fun job. Couldn’t see how the cables attached when I looked earlier but hopefully will be obvious once I get stuck in.
  4. Spent a quick hour on it, spark,plug gaps were hilarious- about 1.5mm. Cleaned and gapped them and now have a much healthier spark.

    Sprayed some wd40 and still absolutely nothing, not even a hint of a cough. Checked compression and it’s good.

    Wondering now if perhaps it’s overfuelling? Plug was wet and black (fuel not oil) so wondering if something in the carb is dirty allowing a shed load of fuel through.
  5. Got a chance to strip the carbs today and the bowls were full of rust. Fully cleaned now and will rebuild when I get a chance. The tank is a replacement as original rusted out. Some rust in the newer one so that will all be treated as well.
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  6. I used POR15 metal prep on the inside of my tank
    Seems to be holding up nicely.
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  7. Not sure if you have found it, but there is or should be a small filter in the carb supply pipe. Item 9.


    Cheers Gaz
  8. Thanks,The weird thing is that it is there and seems intact but the carbs were full of crap so must be build up of small bits. Only just got back tonight so won’t have chance to do anything today. Should be able to fully clean carbs and rebuild them by the weekend. Then I will sort the tank.
  9. I would really consider having the carbs cleaned in an ultrasonic bath and then reconditionned with new refurb kit.
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  10. I have rebuild kits for them, I am not a great fan of ultrasonic cleaning if I am honest as have had mixed results in the past, I prefer using solvents and am lucky to have access to a wide range plus a decent binocular microscope at work so can make sure they are properly clean. Any rust will be dissolved in Deox-C solution from Bilthamber, it’s brilliant stuff.
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  11. Carbs rebuilt and reassembled on the bike. I did a compression test while I was at it, 8.5bar on front cylinder, 9 bar on vertical. Happy with that. I will sort the tank tomorrow and maybe give it a go at starting but I think the battery is tired so might not get there just yet.
  12. Still not entirely happy with the tank but will worry about that later. Got some nice fresh fuel and she started up first time. A little smoke from a couple of exhaust joints at first but that settled. She is running sweet as anything as far as I can tell. Will need a few other jobs doing before I can do a road test sadly.

    Obviously pleased it was just the crap in the carbs causing the problem.
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  13. Good to hear
    Mine ran really badly after the ultrasonic clean, lots of white smoke. it took a local mechanic with carb skills to get it running well.
  14. I have had issues after ultrasonic cleaning in the past which is why I avoid it now. I just use shed loads of solvent and a small brass dowel as a scraper if needed. It takes a while but is a gentler way of doing it I think. Now need to order a load of service bits. Not sure what oil to go with 10w40 or 15w……….. Decisions, decisions…..
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  15. Went over the brakes today. The fluid was very dark on the rear but front seemed ok. All flushed through with new fluid anyway. Checked the calipers and pads and all seems good.

    Drained the oil and removed the filter. The previous owner had changed the oil and filter when he planned to get the bike on the road and use it but that was a year ago so not worth the risk. It’s sat dripping the last bits out and I will leave it until tomorrow then refill. I have some Motul 7100 ready to go in and a genuine Ducati filter.

    Then only the belts which are a year old. I took the covers off and found brand new Ducati belts on. I will probably run them a year and then change them.

    Then I had a look at the exhausts, one of the D&D pipes has a crack at the front end so I will get the welder out when it’s not raining and sort that. The exhausts had dB killers fitted and are not exactly quiet with them, can’t wait to hear them without! I think I will stick the standard cans on for the MoT though.
  16. just out of interest, did you read this bit Nigel?
  17. I did, so far so good with my Monster, it may well be the carb wasn’t setup correctly and not that the cleaning did for the jets? it’s the headlight that still pains me.
    I may be forced to strip it back to where it was before I put it all back together after taking the carb out. There might be a wire disconnected somewhere \o/…..
  18. We need pics.....lots of pics....
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  19. Out of interest what tyres are people using at the moment? I won’t be touring or covering massive miles so looking for something fairly sticky and too concerned about how many miles they do.
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