Bike Dropped Off...

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Ivor, Sep 28, 2023.

  1. We land on the 14th, made no plans yet, will catch up for sure
  2. The stillages look so small from NL
  3. Compared to whose? They makes thousands of bike movements a year for more euros than any other organiser, no one complains they can't get enough s**t on and many of their customers are hardcore racers with way more kit than I take !!!



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  4. Those pics look like the latest stillages from NL which are the better sized ones, ie. there is room either behind the rear wheel or in front of the front wheel, where the original pic shows very little space either end.

    "no one complains they can't get enough s**t on and many of their customers are hardcore racers with way more kit than I take"
    - well actually they do when compared to FE stillages, and a large amount raised concerns when NL had new stillages made which were tiny and then back tracked and had to have a new batch made to the original spec.

    FE stillages are the biggest out there
  5. That was a one off delivery of mis-measured by the manufacturer stillages that were put out for a Jerez trip earlier in the year, they have not been seen since, there was no back tracking, they were never to the dimensions they should have been, i've done in excess of 25 NL euros and never had an issue, nor have the people (bar the ones that went to Jerez) had an issue and I book groups of up to 25 people !!!! So conservatively lets call it 25 trips with an average of 10 people, I've sold for NL over 300 trips when you include theres a number I don't even go on !!!

    So you've pinned your whole argument on one batch of badly made stillages ? Anything else ?

    FE stillages are the biggest out there

    Well considering what an absolute shower of s*** they are if thats all they have in the euro TDO top trumps back pocket then it says it all, as I have said before, would rather crap in my hands and clap than use FE.

  6. [/QUOTE]
    Echoed re FE, the one time we went with them they strapped the bikes down on side stands in a truck/container and put the gear on top, damaging a number of bikes' paintwork, we all said never again, and haven't
  7. [/QUOTE]

    Please get of your high horse, i only mentioned that the stillage looked small from the pics.

    Yes ive done millions of euros as well over the years- so please don't brag as its very childish.

    Good on you for booking/arranging groups with NL, I know a few new organisers that piggyback on the back of NL/FE etc , and I have no allegiance to any TD organiser as long as they offer a good service , which NL/FE etc normally do.

    Most of us have had good and bad euro TD's with most of them going back many years and mostly when you discuss your issues (non rant) they take points on board and try to rectify them - so thumbs up to them.

    FE do actually provide a good euro TD service , wether you like the owner/company or not, obviously your in the not category which is fine , each to there own, but please Dibble calm down, we can all have our opinions without trying to abuse each other

    Have a good day sir.. and see you on a euro soon - maybe NL Aragon end of the month ;-)
  8. Echoed re FE, the one time we went with them they strapped the bikes down on side stands in a truck/container and put the gear on top, damaging a number of bikes' paintwork, we all said never again, and haven't[/QUOTE]

    Yep that strapping down was years ago, and we all moaned about that , and he presto stillages appeared with FE and everybody followed suit
  9. Fella

    Please get of your high horse, i only mentioned that the stillage looked small from the pics.

    Yes ive done millions of euros as well over the years- so please don't brag as its very childish.

    Good on you for booking/arranging groups with NL, I know a few new organisers that piggyback on the back of NL/FE etc , and I have no allegiance to any TD organiser as long as they offer a good service , which NL/FE etc normally do.

    Most of us have had good and bad euro TD's with most of them going back many years and mostly when you discuss your issues (non rant) they take points on board and try to rectify them - so thumbs up to them.

    FE do actually provide a good euro TD service , wether you like the owner/company or not, obviously your in the not category which is fine , each to there own, but please Dibble calm down, we can all have our opinions without trying to abuse each other

    Have a good day sir.. and see you on a euro soon - maybe NL Aragon end of the month ;-)[/QUOTE]

    1. I'm too short for high horses
    2. There was no bragging, just feedback from hundreds of experiences across my groups
    3. You're in a minority regards FE
    4. You used the Jerez stillages in your case, I pointed out the facts. In fact the number of people affected was about 70.
    5. Would love to be at Aragon but my bikes going to be at sea :)
    6. Keep it shint side up, I love Aragon ...
  10. 1. I'm too short for high horses
    2. There was no bragging, just feedback from hundreds of experiences across my groups
    3. You're in a minority regards FE
    4. You used the Jerez stillages in your case, I pointed out the facts. In fact the number of people affected was about 70.
    5. Would love to be at Aragon but my bikes going to be at sea :)
    6. Keep it shint side up, I love Aragon ...[/QUOTE]

    haha to short - got to be a racer then ;-)

    I was hoping to do USA Laguna trip in 2024 - but looks like the partnership with NL has been discontinued - mostly concerning the new owner and noise limits .

    May look at Aussie trip instead if they are doing it in 2024

    Aragon is a great track, a few of us are out there now with Raceshift - were of there late Oct hoping the weather stays fine.

    Enjoy your trip..
  11. There was no partnership with NL, Laguna was always going to be a one off, and based on NL's experience getting us there, I'm not sure they will relish taking us back.

    There is talk of PI or Sepang again, will know more soon. Might be tempted by Sepang, did PI years ok, its ok ....

    Racer, ha ha ha, we obviously have never met, i'm the same measurements L to R as I am top to bottom, only race I'd win would be to KFC !
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Those new NL crates look positively club class. Quite roomy. Might take me pool table…
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. If you ignore the new stillages, which were by NL admission, too Small - They still have a variety of stillage sizes and use them depending on a load of variables - Largely, what they have tied up on other trips and how the logistics work of which trailer etc is being taken.
    They tend to use the bigger ones on the more premium trips
    The red ones are shite and you can get barely anything on there, whereas the dark grey ones are the biggest ones and you easily have space for a toolbox or kit bag behind the back wheel of the bike
    The difference is circa 30cm, which is a lot.
    Realistically, I really struggle when it's the red stillages, as I have my own tyres, and would normally need 3-5 rears and 3 fronts for a normal 3 day trip, and I'll bring spare set of wheels incase it's either wet or I'm changing rears mid way through a day and don't want to lose 30mins to get them changed, and another hour to get them warm

    The newer ones, are remanufactured from the 'incorrect batch' and are smaller than the previous Dark grey ones
    Like mentioned lots of times above, despite FE being not the easiest TDO to work with, their stillages are by far the biggest in the game from my experience, and I've done 20+ Euro's with pretty much every TDO going
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  14. Exactly what I was trying to say ..:upyeah:
    Like FE I use to be able to place a large capacity kit bag vertically that had leathers/boots/gloves/warmers/chain lube/commando power strip/helmet cooler etc etc behind the rear wheel, and even spare wheels with new tyres between 2 bikes etc

    Now with NL I have to use a much smaller kit bag behind the wheel and have leathers dangled over the bike, cant fit spare wheels between the bikes, breaker bar/large torque wrench now has to be put in folder chair bag an layed underneath bike

    I suppose its pot luck what type/size stillage you get from them.. we all adapt to what's being presented to us , so it was just a comment
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  15. Can’t you pay extra for extra bags, boxes etc??
  16. I think you use to be able to do that, but not to sure now due got the Carnet etc but I will ask them in a coupe of weeks when I'm dropping off the bike
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  17. I didn’t think it was an issue provided all kit is captured with the carnet…
  18. Hope so, I will ask as taking a set of wheels with new tyres makes it easier to just swap over than placing wheels/tyres in a. queue etc :upyeah:
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  19. They do sell half stillages for a trip but it works out expensive and only available if they have the space.
  20. That's interesting - if there's 2-3 people who want more space for wheels/tables/large floor fans etc it could be a way to go
    Sometimes you see what people setup in the garages an think how the hell did they fit all that on the stillage :joy::joy:
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