The Reckoning is a British television drama mini-series about British media personality and sexual offender Jimmy Savile, with Steve Coogan portraying Savile. The series generated controversy before production and was first broadcast on BBC One in October 2023. The series received predominantly mixed reviews from critics, with praise for Coogan's portrayal as Savile, but polarisation over the poor use of its subject matter.
Outer Range. Cowboys meets Twin Peaks. Intriguing. Space 1999. The original 70s 2 series. Lovejoy, Brian Blessed and Peter Bowles guest star. Slow to start and wooden acting but still enjoyable. From the makers of Thunderbirds. Russian Doll. Surreal but interesting. Brooklyn 99. Funny if you liked the US The Office.
Have you seen the state of the old crew lately? Bloody hell they look like washed up alchoholics (which I suspect at least 2 of them are).
Living the dream. With so much shit on tv these days especially the news at the minute with you know what subject matter i'd another yesterday.
1984 on the plane. Never seen it all before but read the book 40 years ago (probably). I reckon it’s a playbook that’s been used by the ruling elite, mega billionaires techs and those who run our lives.
If you have a genuine interest in this topic have a watch of some early Aldous Huxley interviews, also some of the laments in Thus Spoke Zarathustra re. 'The last Man'. I'd say these are closer our reality right now.
Trouble is, it becomes a rabbit hole y out head down where you see manipulation and intent in everything, when often it is nothing. Become paranoid. Bit I’ll have a look anyway