I've done most of mine already on-line (thank God for Amazon & eBay) and I'm spreading it over a few months to make it more palatable and managable on the wallet. Just got a few more things to buy for SWMBO and that'll be me done Who's started already then? :smile:
Cmon!! It's still August for fecks sake!!... It's a blokes prerogative to dash to the shops late on Christmas Eve, then hand the gifts of loo roll, cans of beer, and ironing boards, still in the shopping bags on Christmas morning... :biggrin:
? Mine will be done on the last week before xmas via Amazon and their gift wrap and delivery service. Likely take me an hour. It August. Way too early for me.
I've started early to spread it all cos I don't fancy a couple of grand credit card bill to hit me in January :smile:
El T you have just slipped a couple of points in my approval ratings. Talking about bloody christmas this early in the year! Just stop it
But you'll be thanking me when I'm able to give you ideas when you a panicking like fuck close to Xmas :wink:
So, you're going to come christmas shopping with me and offer advice from your extensive knowledge of womens fashion and jewelry design? :biggrin:
What the........... But you know what, you're right. This year has ripped in, be December before you know it. I registered on ebay only two weeks ago....but its all ducati wish list stuff. The xmas present may just have to wait...lol
"Don't open that wardrobe!" shouted my wife as I was just about to - "Your Christmas prezzie is in there!" "Too late," I said, pulling open the door. "You get me the most stupid presents!" I said, looking in. "Why on earth would I want a half naked milkman?"
Christmas is shite. Refer also to posts on last "Christmas is shite" thread (started, I think, by Funky - where is he at?) Besides, as I keep telling my better half, every day must be like Christmas living with me. In other words, she does all of the cooking, I over eat, drink too much, sleep and fart a lot (sprouts optional).
It's fecking August!!! Shall we start playing Christmas songs in all shops, restaurant and everywhere? :wink: I like Christmas, I really do but it boils my piss if someone mentions it before the beginning of December. Following that logic we should start preparing pumpkins and other shit for Halloween in June
Humbug I don't go to Church or believe these Jesus man even existed But I have to buy people presents to celebrate the Birthday of a man that never even existed. I don't even have the option to opt out. Although not complaining about the 2 weeks away from work, so thanks for that Mr Christ
Everybody needs a winter break, and it's good to have a family get-together, eat nice food, decorate your home, give each other stuff, maybe go away for a holiday or maybe have a party. I'm all in favour of that. Just a bit irritating when religionists try to muscle in on it, and spoil everything.