The tab on the rocker cover which is tapped to accept one of the bolts to secure the v-piece, I found inside the belly pan. It had snapped off during a ride, I had probably (definitely?) over torqued it. My question, what metal is the rocker cover? I guess it’s either an alloy of aluminium or magnesium. I can TIG weld but only have a DC unit which is no good for these metals, so I’m looking at options other than just buying another rocker cover. Thanks.
Thanks that’s kind. I’m about 1.5 hrs away up the M5, so although it’s not feasible from an economic point of view, it might be if I can combine it with another reason to go down that way. Otoh, may be justification for a new TIG machine
Are you sure ? Ducati appear to have a long-standing preference for cheese ..... ..... or maybe chocolate ?