I have just got back from my wifes 20 week scan, we're having a boy! :biggrin: is it wrong that i've just ordered these?
dont think its that unusual, seen a program about it tho it does look a bit odd a fully groan man in a nappy.
Good for you! My sister is expecting her first, and when she found out it was a boy and told me, her next words were "under no circumstances is he going anywhere near motorbikes". I had to point out that (a) when he's a teenager, he will make up his own mind about bikes, whatever she wants and (b) seeing as his dad is Catalan, there will be trips back to Catalunya to see relatives, when he will almost certainly end up on a moped, especially as his dad had bikes in his teens! Still not sure why she didn't expect I'd be equally inclined to try and encourage a niece onto motorbikes. Needless to say I see my duties as "Auntie Eleanor" being to ensure the nephew discovers bikes, beer etc and generally lead him astray, and we'll work on my sister's husband (pointing him in the direction of all the Peg Perego ride on Ducati replicas, which I was delighted to see my colleague - not a biker herself, but aware of my being a Ducatista - had already spotted with a view to buying one for her little boy.)