what was your first car

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by peter james, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. I'll have to take your word for it :tongue: My sister had a gold C reg micra. I have never been so scared in a car in my life :eek: Saying that, that could have been her fault more than the car
  2. First ever car was a Zephyr 4,bought off a bloke desperate to sell to fund a wedding ring purchase
    Friday night paid him £30,following Friday sold it for £70
    Hadn't passed car test at the time so couldn't drive it myself.
    First car on the road 1965 HA Viva
    Passed driving test, two weeks later clouted coal board van at Marble Arch,so swapped it,(with crumpled wing!), for a 1500 Cortina...
    Those were the days...:upyeah:
  3. I had a 1964 zephyr 6, and a 1959 zodiac lowline. Very nice cars, especially the zephyr.
  4. Ha!Coincidentally,2 days after the Zephyr purchase,a feller gave me a Consul? Lowline,on condition I shifted it from it's connecting-rod-through-the-side resting place.Best thing abt it was the four brand new tyres on it.
    Amazingly,the new Owner of said Zephyr felt it could do with 4 new boots,so I swapped the wheels from the Consul and made a swift twenty nicker.
    I'm afraid I never did the decent thing and moved the now badly-shod Consul...but hey,twenty quids twenty quid innit?
    Especially when you're only sixteen with a fully grown C15 to run :biggrin:
    #144 Lightning_650, Aug 16, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
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