Post your Trackday pictures here

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Rob, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Hi Gav, Thanks for this, I will check out Gully racing and Rossocorsa.
    I have been with Rehm & DG who frankly make UK TD firms look very amateur with realtime timing, group changes every day and those funny “races” on the last day.
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  2. No worries dude. Have a look at these guys too, it is who I usually go with but the others were run just as well. Ah so you know the format then this will be no different. And totally, theey really do make UK firms and UK days look terrible. I now understand why UK days have so many red flags.

    I met a chap from the US on my 1st day who hired a bike. It seems US Track days are the same as the UK, self governed and full of red flags. He also agreed if their days were run like the European events there would be far less red flags.
  3. I have had the Promo Mugello experience and agree, far better experience with very few stoppages.

    Just returned from a typical Euro TD where the “no stoppies, wheelies or pit lane speeding" was clearly an exemption for TD company instructors. :(
  4. No names need to be mentioned but have a good idea! While it racks up the miles on the van, i do like a European road trip out here and part of the fun is mixing it up with the locals.

    While I think Italian days are leagues ahead over UK days...there is still this old skool 60s feel meets 2023...i mean where else would you see a man walk through the box in his pants holding petrol can with a lit cigarette hanging out of his mouth. haha
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  5. After crashing at Goddard’s couple of weeks before and not really knowing why! I was keen to get back to Donny for another crack. I’ve only ever been there 3 times, one was wet in the avo and another I crashed in the third session! Much to learn but enjoy the track.

    Had a close shave with a mate of mine on the same day. The first image shows where his front tyre / wheel rubbed my right boot and the second image shows the mark my rear tyre left on his fairing.

    IMG_3958.jpeg PHOTO-2023-08-12-06-25-46.jpeg
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  6. Courtesy of Vic Schwantz photography, some recent track time @ the Estoril Classic on the 749.



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  7. The Valencia 2023 team photo.

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  8. I love this one…..

  9. Back on the boat to the UK now.
    The 2024 Euro plan begins. Anyone ever done Mugello/Misano double header?


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  10. Got my lean on here :D

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  11. I see you fancied a bit more power than the 748 out there Paul?!
  12. Yes, guilty.
    I realised my talent shortfall could only be compensated for by spending a fortune on more horse power :p
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  13. So how do your lap times compare? Curious.
  14. 2:16 on the 999 last year…… 2:09 on the V4 this year.
    Apart from the lap time, the key difference is I can see very clearly how I could knock a further four seconds off the 2:09, especially if I could do a lap without errors.
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  15. Which track
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  16. Aragon.
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