Two notes... Having spent 8 years teaching with the BMF, the one thing we always tried to get learners to understand was "always treat other road users as if the are trying to knock you off - that way you'll stand a better chance of surviving". Paranoid, I know, but a good attitude to start out with until you have enough experience to know the difference. Secondly, the old Benny Hill instruction - If you assume, you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me"...
the brake light trick is VERY easy to disprove though, if a car is rear ended while its braking the rear bulbs are inevitably smashed in the impact, doing so imbeds shards of glass into the white hot tungsten filament. If the brake lights were disconnected this evidence is absent. Its just a matter of asking the right questions. Another good reason to have a dash cam - Protection from dangerous driving
The answer to the OP's link is simply to not fuck about pulling out of junctions, get the hammer down, by the time he catches and crashes into you you're on the road and in the right...oh my neck...
i did some work with some TWOCers once, where their logic was the faster you went through a junction the less time you actually spent in a position for someone to hit you!
i found the same in france , very biker friendly i used to drive a porsche and nobody lets you out . then i got a old VW van and now they do
i once did a stupid thing and let a driver wave me out of a junction ,not knowing that the car behind him decided to over take him just as i was pulling out ,and i could not see this from my position in the road , so just as i pulled into the road the other car came very close to hitting me just missing me by inches ,who was at fault ? hard to say but now i never pull out on some body elses instruction
Wait. The guy pulls out to overtake at a junction, narrowly missing MJ coming out of said junction and it's MJ's fault? MJ wasn't acting in his own best interests but wasn't the person performing the overtake driving carelessly and without due attention? Or is overtaking at junctions OK now?
no, overtaking through any hazard is dangerous. but it is a give way........did MJ give way? that said a difficult one that all parties should shoulder some blame in there......
no i was at fault in relying on sombody else to confirm that the road was safe to pull out ,and the guy who was overtaking thought that the guy who let me out was pulling in , so now if sombody flashes me to pull out i just say no thank you and wave them on unless it is one way traffic
I think it would be better if everyone just drove their own vehicles whilst adhering to the rules of the road and taking responsibility for their own actions.
I would say the most blame attaches to the person who was on a Give Way side-turning and pulled out in front of traffic on the major road. Some more blame attaches to the person who went for an overtake on the approach to a road junction where there was a risk of vehicles pulling out. And quite a lot of blame attaches to the person who purported to flash or wave someone out when they had no business doing so, and also failed to check whether there were other vehicles approaching. Negligence all round.
Exactly so. A flash is similar to sounding the horn - a warning. The UK Highway Code is quite clear on this point. If you choose to assume it means the opposite, you are on very shaky ground.
Jeez, here in Invercargill I'd have to wait for a 1/4 of an Hr at a junction just to see another vehicle approach :wink:, I'm glad I live here and not the UK. When I go for a ride outside of the towns/villages I hardly ever see another vehicle
I was told by the police that if I flashed or streaked again at a junction and caused an accident it would be my fault!