Yorkshire Meet Sun 18 Aug

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by benjit, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Rain this afternoon then clear by tomorrow morning. Looking good for now :upyeah:
  2. Looking forward to it :smile:
  3. Will see how f***ed up I am from today's pre-season rugby match before I commit to cramping up on the 998s.

    approx 1.5 hrs from mine (10 miles east of Liverpool) to 'arrigit. Anybody else likely to be going from the west of the Pennines?
  4. Not sure publishing route a great idea, just had out when you all meet up
  5. had what out?
  6. Had out !
    Think he's a bit lonely and had a couple of minutes to spare :eek:
  7. El Toro asked me to?! Also, as I am also pretty sure some of the guys can and will go faster than me it seemed like a reasonable idea.

    For any harm or offence caused by taking the time to do it I am truly sorry......:rolleyes:
  8. Organising rides involves much more than just saying "let's go out", especially with guys who are not known to each other.

    848 Ben -Have YOU covered the contingencies - crashes, next of kin, emergency contact details, breakdowns and recoveries, riding styles and conduct, locations to aim for, bogey times, fuel stops, food and drink, front runner and tail end charlie?

    You are going to have it looks like a dozen or more turning up at the Start point and your name is on this ride. If you need any advice check your PM's.
  9. Inbox cleared if you want to try again.
  10. -Have YOU covered the contingencies - crashes, next of kin, emergency contact details, breakdowns and recoveries.

    Shit looks like I'm not coming back !
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  11. Gents,
    1. I hold no formal qualification to take this ride - you come along at your own risk.
    2. Always ride within your limits, do not be tempted to push to keep up with others.
    3. This is supposed to be a sociable ride out. If you feel that it is too fast then say so at one of the stops and we will slow the group. If you feel it is too slow then tough. If you're not happy then say so at one of the stops and you can go off and do your own thing.
    4. Always consider other road users - we will be in a rural and tourist rich environment.
    5. We will stop regularly to re group and ensure that everyone is happy. When we meet tomorrow we will see if anyone volunteers as tail end Charlie, if not we can take it in turns. Likewise for lead man. A junctions always ensure the man behind has seen you turn off.
    6. You are clearly responsible for your own safety, but if anyone does have an accident then the next bike should stop and render assistance. At least 1 other bike should continue to the next RV to inform the group. Same for breakdowns. We will then make a decision as to subsequent actions.
    7. I would be grateful if everyone could nominate an emergency contact and write it down for me in case of an issue.
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  12. Fuel is available in Harrogate, Ripon and Leyburn.

    Think I've covered most stuff. If anyone can think if something I've missed let me know!
  13. People get killed or injured or just crash even on social ride outs. You don't ask for Tail End Charlies you have to nominate them and DON'T change them during the day, sorry, rules are needed. Everybody interprets "TEC" as equals slowest rider and doesn't want to do it because they feel insulted. Check you pm's again.
  14. What about "overtakes" within the group? Filtering? Marking junctions, direction changes, rest halts? First aid kit? Have you pre ridden the route? Do you know the route? Where are the pinch points going to be? Regrouping points and procedures? Breakdown and accident procedures?
  15. FFS supervee butt out.

    We will, as I say, establish who will be rear man tomorrow. I will see if anyone volunteers for this, if not we will nominate. I am well aware that some perceive a stigma in being placed here, hence the rotation if no one volunteers - common practice in the areas in which I am formally qualified to lead groups (mountaineering and mountain biking).

    This is supposed to be fun - thats why I bought a motorbike again, please stop squeezing every last element out of it!

    For those coming if you are not sure about anything then we can have a chat in the Majestic car park to get it sorted.
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  16. God this is starting to sound hard work, i think i will have a lie in instead !

    a few simple tips

    If there are a a few more that turn up than you expected and can't ride together than just employ the drop off system , google it for details it's simple and fool proof.

    All turn up with a full tank, work to the person with least mileage to fill up everyone route was only 90 ish miles so doubt anyone will run out

    No need for mobile mechanics following you, Marshall's or paramedics on every corner FFS !
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  17. Did you get the pass out for Sunday?
  18. And delete !
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  19. On the bright side it is absolutely 'bucketing down' (I mean raining supervee - just in case we have a metaphor misunderstanding again) here at the moment, so all this terrible stress and worry might have been for nought!!
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  20. Ha ha this is taking more planning than our wedding :biggrin:
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