Damn and blast.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lightning_650, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Went out at 10 this morning,back at 12.55
    On return the missus says,"why's the side gate open?"
    I joked about being burgled
    But I wish I hadn't
    Patio doors are fooked but still in the frame
    Kitchen door is fooked but still in the frame
    So they forced the kitchen window and came in that way
    Muddy footprints throughout the house
    Bloody place looks like a bomb struck it
    Filth have been and gone
    SOCO just left
    Missus is well upset
    What the hey,no-ones died or anything
    Still a downer though
  2. Sorry to hear of your misfortune. May the nutsacks of the perpetrators be removed by a blunt and rusty Stanley knife!
  3. :frown::frown::mad: fucking wankers!!!!!
  4. So sorry to hear your news, happened to my parents earlier this year, scumbags left the taps on in the kitchen and flooded the whole ground floor.
  5. Could have been so much worse I know
    Never had owt like this happen to us,so I suppose it's a wake-up call
    Wife wants to chuck everything and buy new,feels it's all been despoiled
    Window is sealed shut
    Alarm being fitted
    Maplins tomorrow for CCTV
    Garage not touched
    Not going to let the arseholes of the world get to me....
  6. I hear you on that one a persons home is supposed to be their sanctuary. Chuck out all person stuff like tooth brushes etc, change the sheets in the beds (just wash em, dont chuck em). If there is anything I can do to help, let me know :smile:
  7. Thanks man,we really appreciate that
    Just goes to prove my belief that the nice people outnumber the arseholes in this word
    Cheers budddy
  8. The scumbags usual MO is to use the duvet covers as huge swag sacks, old bill recon they are in and out in less than a minute, that's why they make such a mess.
  9. You have my sympathy, I've had the same a few years ago, the feeling is hard to describe, hope you get back to normal soon.
  10. We have a bull terrier on the basis that she would bark and isn't scared of the thieving scum who would otherwise take advantage of an empty house.
    I reckon some of the door to door sales scum use it as a front to check that there's no-one in, and then take advantage (along with your belongings).
    If a dog barks, the feckers move on.
    Commiserations - it must feel awful.
  11. Bad News..........let's hope not too much was messed up or nicked............

    Obviously they were watching your house..........Check out the front door, gateposts and various other prominent areas for unusual marks............the buggers leave a coded mark for other shits to follow............


  12. I'm gonna put the "Nothing worth stealing " sign across my house perimeter tomorrow
  13. That is bad news. Sorry to hear it's happened to you, and only up the road from me. Ive always worried about living in the country, Ive been burgled twice so I know how bad it is.
    I have CCTV, the only reason I havent fitted an alarm is because no one will respond to it. I guess I should fit one just to have a chance the perps will flee in panic.
  14. My van used to be broken into regularly until I put the "Danger - Loose Asbestos" signs on the back doors
  15. had a bike stolen years ago and been broken into before
    can well appreciate how you feel
    problem is even if they catch the scum they will only a slap on the wrist and don't do it again or i'll tell your mum

    makes you want to catch them yourself and play doctors and nurses ....................with a carving knife :biggrin:
  16. Sorry about your break in. (bastards)
    I got a system from maplins, excellent package just make sure you clean the cameras every couple of months.
    We had a lot of vandalism to my cars going on for a period and seemed we were being targeted mainly keying my pickup thats mint, since installing the cameras we have had one solid conviction of two 16-17 year olds that where caught on camera trying to break into one of my cars and since then things have calmed down a bit. Still got pickup keyed again though, and after watching cctv saw person who probably did it, but because it was on the other side of the car from the camera police said that it didn't prove that they actually keyed it.
    I do feel that its the best deterrent and the police have said that a burglar usually stays away from a property with cctv.
    Get your system installed asap.
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