
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. They are all bonkers! Tragic what's going on over there, and the waste of life is unforgivable. I don't think however that there will ever be a solution to the political problem... Why they are all running round with AK47's in the name of peace I will never know!
  2. I'm going there in 3 weeks!
    Maybe I need to review my packing list...:eek:
  3. They're all mad as a box of Frogs in the Middle East. I have no desire to go anywhere near.
  4. You have also got to be slightly suspicious about whether a few radical Islamists have decided to get involved to stir it up a little more just to get more Muslims on side.

    its all very very dodgy.

    religion once again splits part a nation
  5. Suspicious? It's absofuckinglutely bolted on :rolleyes:

  6. Well.... I was trying to be more .... delicate.

    But yep, damn right, the brain washing wankers are out in force over there and its such a pity.
  7. Rag heads...... Leave em to it. In four hundred years time evolution will bring them to current western standards.
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  8. What reality TV and obesity? Yeah, what a great future that presents
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  9. I went there in 2006. Diving in the Red Sea was awesome. Loads of stuff to see. Wasn't happy about the amount of corruption in the country though. The scumbags nicked all the toilet paper out of the ladies toilets, and were charging for it at the airport on the way back!
  10. Overthrowing tyrants is always a good thing in any country, but what happens next is unpredictable, and not automatically an improvement. A free society might arise, or a new tyranny, or a collapse into chaos. Certainly the idea that democracy works like fairy dust (that sprinkling it over problems and conflicts solves everything) is wholly unrealistic.

    In the case of Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood won an election and came to power at long, long last - but they seemed to think it was therefore OK to fall out with the majority of the population, the media, the judiciary, the christian minority, and the army all at the same time; to alter the constitution unilaterally; and to suppress the opposition. If the army had done nothing, the MB would soon have turned Egypt into another oppressive theocracy like Iran. As far as I can see, for the army to overthrow and suppress the MB was the lesser of the evils.

    I must say I am particularly annoyed by people who lump together the oppressors and the oppressed, the criminals and their victims, and condemn them all alike.
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  11. If I were you, I would be asking your travel people for a full refund owing to civil unrest at your destination......

    ....Too effing dangerous for my liking................I would imagine that even Shammy El Shake is not going to be safe either.

  12. Don't they always??
  13. FCO is still saying sharm el sheik is safe. Yep cheers for that. Wouldn't go anywhere near that country.

    mind you that area brings a lot of money into the country, the protests so far have stayed away. So far!
  14. My m8's off to Egypt next week.....fuckin bafoon

    I'm afraid I'd be asking for a refund, he never booked an action adventure holiday.

    I'd be going no where near the area.....
  15. The Americans give the Egyptians $1Billion per year, which basically pays for the army and stops them attacking Israel. USA faces a dilemma - if they keep on paying, they will be accused of subsidising massacres; but if they cut off the aid now, they will lose power to influence events thereafter. Not sure which would be the best option from the USA's perspective, but on balance I would say keep paying.
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  16. Yep, they are sons of bitches but they are our sons of bitches, or are we their sons of bitches also ?
  17. they will never achieve democracy so long as the military have the immediate ability to overthrow an elected government
  18. Rag head muppets. They are all savages... Why they kill the innocent sums them up really... Same as the Sirian scum... Don't matter much, as they will all be given houses over here soon!
  19. Do you realise you said that out loud? ;-)
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  20. Did you read Pete's post #10.

    The MB hijacked 'democracy'. The military effectively regained control and saved the country from a descent into a theocracy.
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