
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by plug, May 18, 2013.

  1. End of the day we are all on two wheels, ok some for different reasons other than just the joy of riding, but we are all riding so thats good enough for me, cant be doing with all the snobbery :upyeah:
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  2. I think as Ducati riders we should be noddin' at every opportunity as if we don't it just perpetuates the notion that we're arrogant pricks. After getting a lot of love over the last few weeks (having two girls in a car in an adjacent lane honk just to tell me I had a nice bike as a particular highlight) I'm going against my original stance and nodding AND chatting to every motorcyclist I see!

    I refuse to speak/nod to CBR600 rider's though. They think they're shit hot.
  3. Yes
  4. I think I'm 'nodding off'
  5. C'mon feel the noize!
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  6. I've decided that he only real advantage to acknowledging other bikers is it means "I have seen you and to the best of my knowledge there are no police speed traps in the near vicinity". Which is very useful information.

    You wouldn't expect BMW riders to give you that information, or HD riders to need it.
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  7. If you want to nod , nod.
    If they don't nod back .. Their loss .

    You've been nice ...
    We got it drummed into us today the Ghandi quote.. " Be the change you want to see".
    Cliche yup , but true.
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  8. "....but Ma Ma we're all crazy now"...
  9. Heresy I know but I'm even nodding at bike cops these days and even got a nod back recently.
  10. When I'm out and about, I always get a wave from policemen.
    Some folks might call it a hand signal instructing me to pull over, but I prefer to think of it as just being friendly.
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  11. Did a big nod at a black Diavel today. About 12 o'clock.

    I was on the A13 South Benfleet in Essex.

    Got no response at all. ..............:tongue:
  12. probably concentrating on holding onto the bars
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  13. Sometimes I get nodded at and by the time I've processed it the moment has passed and I always think great, he's gonna think I'm Ducuntish. What can you do though...
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  14. I think his leathers were a bit to tight.

    So maybe he couldn't move his head !:smile:
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  15. im a flasher :biggrin:
  16. I don't think anyone nodded or acknowledged me when I was in the UK last week but when I got to France everyone waved - even people on the other side of the autoroute.
  17. They probably waved because you were on the wrong side :smile:
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  18. I read on an American forum - and this guy was absolutely straight - an R1 rider who refused to nod to pre-big bang R1 riders!

    Fuck sake.
  19. I nod to anyone on two wheels, but often by the time I've nodded they're too far past to see if they've returned it.
  20. Found myself nodding at bikers whilst walking down the road with the wife and kids at the weekend. :eek:
    I am so friendly :upyeah:
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