Looking to use the attached pussy photo (pervs quell your excitement now ) for a 'photo to canvas print picture' for a last minute additional xmas pressy for swmbo. There's something across his eye that needs photoshopping out and the photo doesn't do justice to the greenness of his eyes. My photoshop (Photoshoppers tut and shake heads now lol... Corel Paint Shop Pro) skills are not up to doing the best job..... can someone do that for me (and any other tweaks that may enhance the image?). Happy to send a few squids your way or donate to your fave charity for a good job well done ;-) Thanks (attached image is reduced in size and compressed a little for posting here.... I'll email the original photo [3444x2172 2.8mb] )
Dont forget to post up,the post shopping photo, so we can all cast our eggspert eyes over it and offer constructive criticism....
Thanks @Topolino .... @Ackers was already on the case and the job was well done in quick time and the canvas pic order placed. Thanks again @Ackers
Seriously, very good, excellent. Good of people to help. I had a go - moved a few sliders around - and it ended up looking like this
... the is for his her 'looks' not loosing him/her! ;-) A beauty, what make? "I'm no expert..." @Nelson ...kindergarten level
Bengal. Boy. Real noisy (and nosy) character. We had a savannah/Bengal cross that was the size of a small dog and killed anything that moved in the garden over the size of a robin. Left all the small birds alone but a magpie or rat was easy prey!
LOVE Bengals .... as for your giant Bengal cross, big cats I also have a thing about Maine Coons, not sure about the grooming though!
We have lived at this house for 8 years now and lost 4 cats. One to another cat attack that she didn’t survive. One (the big one) for a kidney disease we didn’t know about when we took him in (great 9 months of his life), the bengal was barely a year old when hit by a car on the rural road behind us then we got another rescue bengal who, frankly, was a maniac that kept pissing everywhere and attacking me. Never know cat like it. We had to regime him as he didn’t like men at all. So now, although we miss having a pet, we just darent!