I hate the way it is run by and for the richest few and not for the many that actually keep it going.
And if you want a current example of this then only look at Asda. facing huge increase in borrowing costs because the current owners used the Company to fund their personal purchase of it. https://www.theguardian.com/busines...ner-faces-rise-in-servicing-4bn-debt-mps-told
Now run by spivs, charlatans, con men, cronies and criminals whose only interest is self interest. The best interests of the country and the majority of its citizens are way down at the bottom of the list.
Aided and abetted by the mainstream print media. Unsurprising when you consider that “The Sun” is the UK’s biggest selling newspaper.
Calling it a newspaper is pushing it a bit. Propaganda is a better phrase. People seem unable to think for themselves and understand how they are being stolen from.
They have proliferated because they leverage their assets, pile up the debt and the owners are allowed to “borrow” money from the company subject to lower tax rates than would be the case if it were income. So many loopholes that are in plain sight that could be closed but remain open because the government chooses the latter option. They don’t want to upset the party donors.
Is it just me who can see the Irony of the type of political discussion this thread has turned in to(again) by a bunch of people who own expensive premium brand Italian motorcycles which are considered aspirational by not only other motorcyclists, but many other people who don't ride?
That’s true. Imho tho PE have single handedly destroyed thousands of U.K. business incl manufacturing and negatively impacted our ability to buy locally produce items. No govt will ever change that. back on thread….its a shame it’s so hard to identify UK built vs other
I've still got all my old stanley tools from 50 yrs planes, chisels, pump screwdrivers they were made to last but now using nail guns and makita battery power tools
But much of that does not happen in other European countries. Go to France and Italy so many goods have 'made in France/Italy' on them and are proud to display it. Why can the UK not do that? Because, more than any other country, our political leaders are in the pay of big business or very very wealthy individuals. And profit is the ONLY goal. Nothing else is considered.
We do also have a habit of calling anyone who says Buy British or Britain First are a mouth breathing racist facist xenophobe. Whereas in those European countries they celebrate Buy ‘country’ and ‘country’ first.
That’s because this country has lost its identity, and is full of shit stirring buffoons that get offended about everything.
But the reasons for buying British need to be the right ones. Because Its the best option for the buyers needs. We were told to buy British in the past when what we were being sold was often shite and certainly not the best. Thats why the British motor and motorcycle industries collapsed. They thought we would buy British simply because it was British. We have become conditioned by our 'leaders' to buy the cheapest regardless. I'm gobsmacked by how many buy stuff from AliExpress on here. Pay a premium for a top range motorcycle and then save £50 by buying something that has no known origin and is probably a rip off from a factory that makes goods for a company who put in all the R&D to develop it. I'm not quite sure where your quote about buying British makes you a 'mouth breathing racist facist xenophobe' comes from. Sounds like a quote from one of the Daily rags - Mail, Express or the Sun to justify their existence. Look at all the food adverts for Christams on the TV. They all talk about 'the cheapest'. Not the best or the tastiest or even the best value. 'Cheap'. No wonder we import 50% of our food, when the average in Europe is less than 10%. And i wonder who makes the profits from selling us the 'cheapest' rather than the best?
Or perhaps people who see the country being run (or possibly ruined) by a bunch of entitled posh boys for their own benefit and that of the super rich and large corporations? I am all for aspiration and ambition (both my grandfathers were lorry and bus drivers) and I admire those who have the drive to start up their own businesses and take risks with their own money and rightly enjoy success if it comes to them. However, they are not representative of the current bunch in charge. There is simply too much evidence (Zahawi’s tax affairs, Post Office/Horizon scandal, water companies polluting waterways indiscriminately, PPE contracts awarded to the mates of ministers without due diligence, (£203m to Medpro alone), Truss’s disastrous 44 days as PM which adversely affected every mortgage holder, Sunak’s promise to crackdown on vaping companies targeting children until a £350,000 donation to the partywould appear to have prompted a change of mind. The government has a”Minister for common sense”, but no Minister for the disabled). Just a few to be going on with.
But Britain has lost its identity to the USA, not to Europe. Despite what the Brexit mob would have you believe.
Anyone who exhibits any kind of outward pride in Britain, its heritage, its legacy is called racist and worse. You know it. I know it. We all know it. Try flying a Union Jack or England flag outside your house.