From all your posts about food and drink I’m beginning to think you have an issue with temptation, like you can’t resist it
A chilled day, Walk the dog in lashing rain, bathed said dog, ate breakfast. Helped hang a door (just 2 to go out of 15). Small lunch. Walked dog in lashing rain, hosed off said dog. Son and fiancée came around for rest of afternoon evening. Tomorrow everyone here so will be cooking turkey etc.
Mostly sat on the bog The kids are all grown up and for the last few years have been coming round first thing with the grandkids and having breakfast prior to dinner at their various inlaws, leaving us to do what we want. This year we attended our local traditional indian restaurant and because I'm never away, he forgets the menu for me and treats me to a staff curry. For those who have never tried it, basically the chefs chuck all sorts into a big pan and that feeds them after a shift. Because it is for them, bones are not removed, so they don't sell this, plus it's too spicy for most. This one was prepared the day before and was a fabulous lamb dish, with loads of onions and pickles. Accompanied by a little boiled rice and chapati, it was one of the best I've had, but the ingredients are battling with my insides...
Wifes out making tea...watching the opening sequence of MadMax purely for the goose riding an old z1000....
Spent Christmas in Padstow, no going to stay with friends for the night in Cornwall before heading home tomorrow.