Frickin Owls!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Too warm not to have the windows open and the damned Owls have decided to have a rave at stupid O'clock in the morning... I like wildlife, but damn those noisy buggers!
  2. I bet they're having a hoot!:biggrin:
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  3. ....they don't twit ta woo like in the fairy tales, do they! :eek:
  4. Big up the Owls. They're ace! I like being laid in bed listening to them. But hey, what happened to the Cuckoo's?? Don't hear them these days.... I used to hear them all the time as a kid.
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  5. Still get the occasional one, but you are right, they have become rarer... Had a fox in the road earlier in the week!
  6. Is that like dogging?
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  7. What about if you fell down an 'ole. With an Owl!

    #7 bootsam, Aug 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  8. Very good! Not seen that before...
  9. Owls are just getting together - wait till it rains, then it'll be too wet to woo !
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  10. Apparently the males are the twits, and the females the twos... Or so I've been told...
  11. anyone know why owls are considered wise?
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  12. Cmon, let's keep it clean :eek:
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  13. p

    good point, and no idea... I do know they can't move their eyes though hence why they can turn their heads so much, and their eye colour denotes what time of day they hunt. Yellow for night, amber for twilight...
  14. never seen one on university challenge.
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  15. Try this: Compared to other birds they don't flutter about squawking and panicking, they move silently and keep calm, and their upright stance and big eyes look anthropomorphic. The Athenians thought they looked wise, and the meme has persisted.
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  16. Lost me at the first syllable there!
  17. According to the trainer of the Owls used in the Harry Potter films-they are as a thick as a plank with the attention span of a goldfish.
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  18. Absolute classic! I'd forgotten about that. Funny as.... enjoyed just as much... Think I'll watch it again in a minute.
  19. Always loved that one!

    There's an owl round here been hoo-hooing the entire summer.

    Perhaps it's stuck down a hole in the fog.
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  20. Could have been worse! You're lucky it wasn't "Owlin Wolf ". That would given you the blues.:biggrin:
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