Bedroom Fun

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mervyn, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Today was going to be a good day.Mrs Mervyn off to London nice and early,and a lay in for me.
    Mrs Mervyn goes to open bedroom door and the latch mechanism breaks inside the door.I think her first words were something like Oh Bugger.
    Using a combination of hair scissors blade and thin brass plate managed to inch the latch back just enough to clear the door jamb and open the door.Mrs Mervyn was busy tyeing bed sheets together ready to absail down the outside of house.
    In future we will retire to bed with a rope ladder,full tool kit,and a fully charged mobile phone:upyeah:
    One of those situations when it is only funny after the event.
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  2. so you had a shag of course?
  3. I thought this was another courgette thread :biggrin:
  4. Better include one of those in the emergency tool kit-you never know when one might be needed:tongue:
  5. No,today is not my birthday:rolleyes:
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  6. Next time just call these boys, they'll open any door.
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  7. Why not fit a slide that goes through the ceiling ?? Through a magic Mr Ben cupboard that self dresses you ?

    I know I would :)
  8. I'd be calling "" with that van :)
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  9. It would be easier if you used the phone....
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  10. Sounds good to me:upyeah:
  11. These chaps had a nice take on the slide through the ceiliing:

    The Wrong Trousers: Cracking Toast! - YouTube
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