The whole topic is distasteful in a sense, I would agree. I was referring to the possibility of despicable criminals committing crimes against you and your property, which might include your animals. Perhaps I expressed insufficient horror at this prospect for your taste - if so, I apologise. So then it is clear you are not cut out to be a farmer of cattle, sheep or pigs, at least not in the real world. 30 million of them are killed every year in the UK alone, and as many again of other species. Is your attitude to that fact 'off-hand'? Or do you agonise about each death? Just curious.
Pete, if you splinter your spade, I'll lend you mine. Or maybe you could rent a digger? Anyway, if everyone would kindly engage their Sense Of Humour modules, we can proceed
Meanwhile, back in the real world... The majority of thieves are not "determined"... They are, in fact, opportunist cowards. Anything that makes a lot of noise is likely to deter them, particularly if the thing making that noise has the ability to bite large chunks out of them. Given the choice between somewhere quiet and taking on 5 stone of snarling fury with sharp teeth the average thief will go for quiet every time. No, I am not "cut out to be a farmer" - that's why I am an engineer - but the reference to the treatment and killing of farm animals has far less relevance to motorcycle theft than anything I have said. Furthermore, yes I do live in a rural environment. Yes, I do know exactly where food comes from. No, I am not a vegetarian... Now, as Loz quite rightly says - can we switch Sense Of Humour back on please ?
Just for the record I love bacon, sausages and veal black pudding etc etc etc and I know it comes from Fortnum & Masons ;-)