999 streetfighter

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Rob1642, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Does anyone know which Ducati top yokes will fit on a 999? I'm looking at doing a streetfighter out of a crashed bike, but obviously with the 999 yoke, it isn't possible to fit riser clamps.
  2. "Streetfighter":eek::eek::eek: fook me what next a ducati chopper ,but if you are going to basterdise a Ducati try ST4 yokes ,or man up and fit clip ons :upyeah:
  3. Not my bike, not my funds unfortunately, and not my body trying to fit on it :tongue: Has to be done as the rider has a couple of limb and spine issues, but doesn't want to give up the bike.
  4. sorry Rob did not mean to have a go if you look in the projects page i know one member is braking a ST4 and you may be able to swap parts
  5. No offence taken, no point having a forum without a bit of banter :upyeah: Hopefully an ST4 will fit, have looked at 848, but they have a bit of a slope, which would involve a bit of machining to get a decent flat spot.
  6. st4 yokes are 50mm top and 54mm bottom but the bottom can be shimmed and the top can be machined to fit superbike forks, im having it done on mine :upyeah:

    alternatively if you can find them streetfighter yokes will do the job...
  7. ST top yokes don't have risers, some Monster ones do.

    I think you need a bottom yoke from an ST2/3/4/4s or 2nd gen Monster (I believe they're all the same?) and a top yoke with risers from a 2nd gen Monster. 1st gen Monsters had a much narrower steering stem, same as the 851/888/SS/SL.

    You'll probably find the stem is a different length from the 999 so get a machine shop to press the stems out and fit the 999 one in the ST/Monster yoke, that should make it a straight swap into the 999 frame.

    As Attila said, get the top machined out to 53mm and use some 1/2mm alloy sheet to make some shims for the bottom.

    Bear in mind that the yoke offset will probably be different so the handling will be affected.

    Alternatively: Don't rule out getting a custom top yoke with risers made. There are machine shops out there who'll make that sort of thing for half the price charged by the 'custom yoke specialists'. It could turn out cheaper than buying second-hand Ducati kit, having the stem swapped over, top yoke machined, shims made....

    Good luck
    #7 iambadgerous, Aug 20, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2013
  8. that don't look too bad...tastefully done..
  9. I have some ST4S yokes spare and I might know where there's a set of Multistrada S yokes for sale.
  10. Try multistrada 1000/1100 yoke, got a 749 and muttley 1000s and they look pretty similar. Or get the original top yoke macined for some risers, seems like the simplest solution.
  11. PM sent
  12. There's too much metal already removed to allow any drilling on the 999 top yoke unfortunately :mad:
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  13. "There's too much metal already removed to allow any drilling on the 999 top yoke unfortunately [​IMG]"

    Of course, I've been on the muttley a lot this year so excuse the brain fart!
  14. We can help with machining one off top plates if you want - we do it for our race streetfighters and project bikes.

    PM if you want to discuss.

    Have fun!!
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