Another one for Black, usually Shoei, Always the best one I can afford. Comfort is vital, including the ability to wear glasses. Noise is a gamble because you can't just take a new lid out for a road test before you buy it and it is unlikely that the manufacturers used someone with the same head shape, clothing and bike that you have to arrive at their claimed figures. I don't buy into the BS that White is safer. If they can't see a bright red moving object the size of a motorbike they need to get to Specsavers or surrender their driving Licence.
I don't know if it's BS or not, but other things like loud pipes are similar...and I've had at least 2 drivers just stop in time before committing to pull out in front of me due to loud maybe every little helps?
Another one for all white, not so much due to visibility, but reflecting the sun. Some interesting comments @
The thing with that is it's not you that has to go to Specsavers,,,,,it's the other fella and personally I don't put my safety in their hands. It's the same as the guy on a black low cruiser wearing a black lid and cammo gear shouting SMIDSY when the eighty year old pensioner pulls out on them
This thread has taken a bit of an unexpected direction - white helmets being safer. A good point. A good point indeed. I will think on it for a week, but I could certainly live with this instead of the more graphics covered ones that I have been considering:
Always find that riders with all white helmets as above look dull and the helmet looks larger than the same model with graphics to break up the shape visually.
Yep I agree, I personally don't like the look of a all white either but almost always end up with white with a bit of blue or red, I tend to try and match my jacket and lid somewhat. I guess floro would be even more visible but you have to draw the line somewhere
An agency friend and I were the rider models used in the 1999 or 2000 Think! road safety campaign... I did try and find it, but no joy. I was in my Bright yellow leathers, with a white helmet they gave me to wear, He was in his black leathers with a black helmet, we were both on identical blue Hornet 600s. Had to ride around this roundabout, side by side, under the city of london like 400 times with a guy hanging out the back of a van in front.. with a medium format camera... this was before Digital was really used by pro's. It was remarkable how invisible he was when sat right alongside... The curious thing is that white, as a helmet colour, can be MUCH worse than another colour, as it fades into the background. I favour Yellow... It's Massively more visible. White is a "colour" that most people ignore when tested. With branding, white works really well when static against dark backgrounds, offers excellent contrast, but with busy moving scenes it... fades away.
Always tried to be individual - use one of these on my hyper.... But, day to day i use an xspirit 3 (first time ive bought a non simpson lid in 30 years)
Interesting about the colour white blending into the background - I can see the argument behind that, that white relies on contrast and can get lost in certain busy backgrounds. Perhaps this helmet cover solution has been the answer all along for commuting...... Yes, there is actually a website that sells all of these and some of them are very funny - including a giraffe and a policeman. From this selection the yellow and orange fluffy head, or the clown that has an element of road rage already built in ! from funnyhelmetcovers :