When the bike is strapped in a level position and lifted,if you remove the front wheel and forks does the bike get tilted backwards? Because of the strap pulling the other side
No, the bike stays horizontal with either or both wheels/forks removed. Strap in horizontal position is off rear swingarm/axle/bobbin (depending on what bike you have) but it’s just stabilising the bike.
Be amazed if it gets that high. I ran multi on bench, c18 inches-2ft height, without an issue and I have a very low ceilng in the garage
It’s just the way it works. Moving the bike around is surprisingly easy as is fitting the stand. Piece of piss, even I can do it in my weakened state.
Long time member here, not posted for a long time as I sold my MTS 8 years ago! I have had an old Triumph Daytona in the air, on one of these stands, shoved in the corner of my garage for 7 years now with no issues at all! Thoroughly recommend them.
Had a T3 speed triple, great bike if not a little top heavy. Then bought a T595 Daytona which didn’t ever fail to be underwhelming.
It's a 595 I have. Had it 7 years, it's never been a whole bike. It's one of those "one day" projects that will probably never happen and I'll sell it for £500 knowing me.
Another vote for the Skylift from me. Had it about a year, worked on a couple of my bikes using it, but have the bobbins for all of them. Is it "absolutely rock solid hewn from granite won't move a mm"? No, there is flex but it never feels unstable. As mentioned above, i wouldn't be torquing up anything that needs a decent amount of grunt, lower it to the ground and touch it down. Also have the tool tray... I'm a bit meh on that, it can get in the way a little but it was cheap enough and just drops in place, so easily removed if you need to. What is brilliant though, is the add-on that i saw at the bike show in November... they now make a little device that allows you to remove the legs, beam and RH vertical pillar, and store them very neatly to reduce the footprint massively. I'm now not tripping over it constantly. Was £40 at the show, i guess £45/50 regular price. They don't officially make a bobbin kit fir my Scrambler 1100, but after chatting with them, it's the same as the smaller 800 but reason for not marketing it is that you need to remove rh footpeg (i think.... was a while ago now) before using the bobbin.
Going to need to bite the bullet and buy me one of these, if for no other reason than will make storage and moving about garage easier
Anyone using one for trackdays instead of stands? ABBA seem to have a deal on that makes them as cheap as anyone else
Am I right in thinking that these stands fit into the swingarm spindle. So there is no way you could remove the swingarm whilst using it?