No offence...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. But just been watching a program on BBC where the police smack the fack out of people, but they all seem to be black? Why is this?
  2. The police or the people getting smacked?
  3. The smackees!...
  4. Because they is black
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  5. But surely white people are as bad?... Whites are normally peados! :frown:
  6. wat was the the jist of the the program?
  7. police kicking the feck out of black people on BBC!!... Mind you, one of them got it, and I fee sorry for him! Not nice!
  8. did this occur on bbc property. .?
    were they involved in operation yewtree

    'kicking the feck out of people on the bbc'
    well...its a bit vague lol
  9. Yup! Just hit the back button and BBC1 came up!
  10. I've just been looking at a programme on the Beeb where all sorts of low-lifes cause trouble for one reason or another. Take the couple of idiots (must have been no more than 20) who stole a dune buggy but wouldn't stop for the law despite the fact that they were topping out at 45 because they couldn't get it out of first. They had also brilliantly videoed their theft on their mobile phones.

    They were given a community order and banned from driving for 18 months. When you think that they couldn't give a flying fuck about a community order, or driving without a licence, it basically means they got off free. Now imagine how you'd feel if it wasn't a buggy that was stolen but your bike. No wonder there's crime. Where's the deterrent in that sort of punishment?
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  11. My commuter 125 got nicked out of my area.
    Literally took seconds the cheeky feckers picked it up and ran.

    Eventually 2 days later after I had no transport back home .
    I rang the police and begged and explained I had been left with no transport as was dark
    Please they couldn't get far they where kids.
    The police said they were too busy to come and have a look.

    Hmm lone female in dark stranded ..
    Luckily for me I got put up.

    They caught the scroat 2 days on.. Funnily after sending me a letter with a crime number and no investigation would take place case closed !!

    A decent policeman saved me £120 by getting my bike in his van saying any one mad enough to ride. 125 to London got his vote!
    ( that's nothing to when I used to ride to see a bf years ago ).

    The boy who nicked it was in 5th charge if stealing bikes!!!!!
    He got let off.

    I ranted at police who told me meant he got to see his social worker and slapped wrist.
    I got left with a bill.

    I said so if I walked I to his house stole his Xbox and games to the tune of £300 which i now need to pay to fix my bike at least I'd get a slap wrist and told off?
    Er miss G that's not the point.

    Well yeah it is he stole my property and smashed it up and got a slapped wrist?
    But I couldn't borrow his Xbox.
    I'd be charged and god knows what offence wouldn't I ?
    So he can nick 5 bikes smash them up and not get any consequences .?
    Great like he won't do it again!

    Two wrongs don't make a right but when there is no consequences what hope is there!
    Personally I'd have at least made him hand over stuff to cash converters and see how he likes being robbed of his stuff. Then pay victim the cash needed to fix the item he stole and trashed.
    Hmm id rather with any bike thief lay their hand out and hit them with a lump hammer but I guess that's not legal now should I utter such things .
    However I'm honest and that's what I'd like to do.. Or hobble the nasty kid like they did in the film Misery .
    Sorry but that's how much I hate bike theft.
    #11 He11cat, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
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  12. I rang police with in ten mins of bike being stolen and they said yeah yeah we will come out can't be far away!

    It was 2 streets away I believe
    They never showed then said sorry we are too busy.
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  13. Nought wrong with being left of centre. I'm a socialist, not a Trotsky type but a die hard Labour voter. :p My choice and get stuffed lol. Same as nought wrong with being slightly right of centre. Left wing luvvies always makes me laugh. I'm no luvvy and I am sure you are no public school fag. Stereotypes dear boy, stereotypes. Besides it takes all sorts to make a world. Imagine a world full of right wingers....hehe...same with left....perish the thought.

    The BBC is superb, its a bit twee mind but hell its better than that Sky/ITV etc. Dont get me started on the Daily Fail and I wont mention that piece of shite red ragtop that scumbag murdoch owns.

    But yes lets get all those thieving kids and lop of their hands and feet. The problem is the world we live in. Crime is just a symptom. No point blaming the symptoms. Fix the causes but no-one ever does because all political parties take the short term view. What we really need is a benevolant autocracy. I am quite happy to put my name forward.
    #14 bootsam, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2013
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  14. To answer the OP - JohnV beat me to it !
    Because the BBC is run by a bunch of champagne socialist pinko lovies. Every time their bias is brought into question they say the same things...
    1. "We didn't mean to cause any offence..." (no matter how many times they have been told in the past that it does actually offend people).
    2. "Well we don't think we've done anything wrong".
    This is what you get when you have a television station that is funded by an unavoidable tax and run by people who are unaccountable to viewers or tax-payers.
    And if you disagree with points 1 or 2 - check out how many times the portrayal of motorcyclists in BBC "drama" has been complained about, and what their responses have been...
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  15. pmsl...ive strayed into the daily mails readers wives thread.
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  16. Two (or more) sides to so many stories. So much depends on where articles are sourced from & who wrote them.
    Opinions are like noses - most people have one. A quick look at the internet shows many articles on the topic:

    Is there bias on BBC Question Time?

    The Centre for Policy Studies and their bizarre report on BBC bias | Liberal Conspiracy

    BBC Too Right Wing? - Biased BBC

    The Chairman of the BBC Trust has a political background:

    Chris Patten - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Perhaps those with right wing views feel the BBC is biased towards the left & vice versa?

    Personally I like to listen to Evan Davis on BBC Radio 4, giving any politican a hard time, and he's a biker too!!:upyeah:
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  17. Whilst I dont entirely disagree with you. Your use of emotive language to describe people with left wing views does your argument no credit. :) Ive edited it for you. Thus we socialist might listen instead of instantly dismissing.

    However I too am guilty but then again as King of all things (as I am now the benevolent dictator) I can do as I like. So :p
  18. I think I saw the program the OP refers to last Luton area, where one cop got a key in the face by a black bloke on a that situation, I was surprised the plod didn't smack the hell out of the black guy.....

    .......however, a couple of days ago, I was watching 'Cops' in the States...........what struck me was the size of the US Plods......all stocky and muscles........they don't put up with any sh*te from the people they stop and their intuition appears to be spot on even before it comes to questioning someone they have decided to talk to.
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  19. This stuff is really quite funny. The Telegraph publicises allegations that the BBC is "left wing" made up by a body which invents its own bizarre definitions of what left wing and right wing mean and which people and bodies are left and right, and then calls figures based on these inventions "statistical evidence". Cliches about Popes, bears and woods are hard to avoid.

    Back in the real world, the BBC actually goes to extraordinary lengths to present statements from Saddam, Ghaddafi, Assad and their ilk alongside those trying to overthrow them, in a neutral and even-handed way. It can't be easy, trying to maintain balance between swivel-eyed lunatics and their opponents, but the BBC has had a lot of practice down the years.

    It is really noticeable though how the UKIP gets a huge amount of coverage on the BBC recently, completely disproportionate to their actual support. This follows the tradition of giving enhanced coverage to minority political movements (viz. Referendum Party, Respect Party, British National Party, Social Democrat Party, etc.) regardless of their left or right wingedness. This is fair enough, and is part of having a functioning democracy.

    The funniest part is that the Telegraph and its supporters are apparently unable to perceive the delicious irony in them alleging political bias not against the newspapers (which all ruthlessly pursue one-sided political agendas), but the least-biased, most openly pluralist media organ we have and the only one to be specifically committed to balance.
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