Yesterday I fitted a new SHIDO lithium battery to my 1299, and this morning decided that I would charge it, but it seem to be show on the display a STD battery and has not identified a lithium battery is the charger faulty or will it work it out. I also have the SHIDO charger DC 4.0. I am doing something wrong ?
Just taken a look at a few of the chargers for sale on the internet and all of them required the physical selection of the type of battery. Are you certain your charger automatically detects the type of battery ? Andy
and the instructions... "All charging parameters are set using the charge function key on the control panel" View attachment 310204
Thank you I have now worked out how to change the setting on the charger it needs to be plug in but not plug into the battery. So operator error, but the instruction are not clear. Anyway battery is fully charged at the moment will give the old girl 1299 a crank this afternoon and place back on charge thereafter. Thanks for all the information
Well disappointed again she still won’t start and I am not sure what the problem is.
That covers a multitude of possibilities . With some more detail people can help point you towards the root of the problem . First question - Is the starter spinning the engine in a lively manner ? Second - Can you hear the fuel pump run for a few seconds when you turn the key ?
Was everything fine before you messed with the battery? have you just changed the battery for a lighter one? Or did your old battery lack a bit of life it wouldn't start well you've been trying to start it and got a new battery? it sounds like its trying to fire... how many times have you been switching it on and off? maybe flooded the plugs?
So yes I can hear the fuel pump and yes it’s trying to start. What I am thinking now is there enough fuel since on the second time I crank it it sound like it’s sucking air
you got a hot air blower/heater, or a hair dryer you could warm it up around the top of the cylinders...
So I moved the bike started fine then switch off then 30 mins later started the bike again and I staled it and since has not started, if the plug flooded do just need to replace or just let them dry out ?