Well I am impressed. The replies have been most polite so far. In all seriousness, when my chain let go and whipped over the rear sproket taking out the number plate, and hugger, it hit the Oberon tax disc. It smashed it to pieces and bent it in two, but save my leg from the force of the chain. I know where my replacement will be going
Mine complies with the law (nearly)....forward of the rider, on the left side of the vehicle, behind clear glass or plastic......it is stuck on the inside of the smoked screen (well, it is clear, but black) by a disc of self-adhesive decal vinyl........No, it can't be ripped off easily. AL.
Right I have now solved this one. Laminate the tax disc then wrap it around the top of the fork leg and stick with super glue works a treat. Out of the way but still on display. Thats quite catchy. Regards Steve
The law demands that your tax disc is on the front nearside quarter of the bike in a waterproof container. Anything else and the Do-right brothers can do you.
Yeh it is on the front nearside quarter so I am still right. This argument is now put to bed. After how long? Regards Steve
On my Japanese Ducati (Honda Bros 650) it fits nicely by the headlight: Note cheesy logo - the guy that makes these on ebay does a nice job, by the way. Tax disc stays waterproof, and it's held together by lots of allen bolts.
Not another tax disc thread. However, whilst it's here, let me answer. I keep mine in my leather jacket pocket. If plod asks where it is, I say the holder fell apart and I will get one as soon as possible Gov, honest !!!!
On seconds thoughts, maybe I should tattoo it on my backside and drop my trousers when asked to show it !!!