More bits falling off.......

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by purgeraptor, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Only have 780 miles on my MS1200S Touring, and after every ride something either vibrates loose or goes missing!

    Lost a hugger bolt on the way home from picking it up from new (easily replaced), now on it's first 'proper' fastish ride out tonight with the full Termi, the carbon heat shield has gone missing. That's two bolts which must have vibrated out to lose that. Will be onto Aylesbury Ducati tomorrow for a replacement!

    Getting paranoid now and checking for loose bolts after every this normal for Ducatis?

    Still in love with it though ;)
  2. Just been out for my Wed night blast and nowt fell off, not even me!

    Joking apart, not been an issue for me in 17k miles - any fasteners I take out/replace, I use thread lock.
  3. Cheers....I'll do the same from now.
  4. I tighten all visible bolts after every ride out.
  5. Must be a problem with these new fangled Ducati's I have never lost anything off my 10 year old shitter!
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  6. What about the nuts?
  7. I'm stroking mine whilst tightening the bolts :wink:
  8. I got my MTS1200S from Aylesbury a year ago, and although I had misgivings about their service department, they have turned out to be OK. I have not tightened anything since the 600 mile service, now done 6000 miles, nothing has come loose.

    Is it possible the carbon bit was removed manually and nicked?
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  9. Just checked mine. Tax disc has fallen off. Bollo*!
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  10. after dismantling my bike every weekend for that 'real-deep' clean, I like to take macro pictures of my bolts and then after every ride compare the real thing against an individually printed picture held in a corresponding weekly folder.

    hmmm (too far..?)
  11. Sounds like you have a problem and not with the bike:biggrin:
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  12. Indelible pen or nail varnish across external bolt and screw heads gives a good glancing visual indication on any movement.
  13. Nope, it was there at the pub, then not there when I got home.
    Bike in sight at all times, as we sat outside.
  14. Anyway, Ducati Aylesbury has stepped up to mark, and ordered a new one for me under warranty (back order, so waiting for the Italians to get back from their 9 week Summer holidays) :)
  15. Glad your sorted. Also impressive that Italian commerce is so strong they can afford to trade 11 months in a fiscal year.
  16. You mean 10 months of the year..
  17. Are they teachers or Politicians?
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  18. Mine too. Still it goes much faster with all that weight loss ! :tongue:
  19. A fewweeks ago I washed my bike and all was ok and then went out for about 50 mile ride and on my return I noticed the the cluth fluid reservoir lid had "fallen off" (No chance of it being stolen) I also lost my pillion seat on the way to Donnington but some nice man following in a car stopped and picked it up and followed me to return it !
  20. Drill and lock-wiring would make sense, but it'd lower the resale value as people would think it had been raced.
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