I must have blinked.........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. I have no idea what IT was about, and I am not remotely interested in finding out.
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  2. Actually, I am, what was IT?
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  3. Tories?
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  4. Aha! - Come on Indi - give us a clue :smile:
  5. Not exactly, no. But it's all their fault, that's for sure :tongue:
  6. Did it involve a blonde ?
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  7. And a gob job??... Now I'm intersted!...
  8. Daily Mail readers get-together?
  9. I am thinking Telegraph.
  10. In dots and dash's?
  11. No, front page of online edition.
  12. So was this thread initially related to a blonde and a soldier ?

    Or am I completely off at a tangent ?
  13. I'll put you out of your misery, John (as it's you).
    The original thread concerned a poster who wanted personal advice, where the matter really shouldn't have been aired in public. Thankfully, the thread got yanked.

    However it did contain some genuinely useful insights ... including my own elegant and well thought out de-construction of the market economy/capitalist system.
  14. You don't half go on about this theory of yours Loz :tongue:
  15. Says the bloke who deleted it! :tongue:
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  16. did I miss summat..............................
  17. Just Loz spouting shite about the size of his manhood - nothing to see here, move along now

  18. Hey, I spout about all sorts, not just my monster :upyeah:
  19. There was it was full of bare breasted women and you all missed it .
  20. Indeed, but the poor ladies of the forum will never see the old chap now the thread has been removed. :biggrin:
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