At xmas I often get a few bottles of wine. I dont drink wine so the wifey benefits. Wish theyd just buy me a 20yr old single malt instead the tight bastards.
one of my customers also gave me a model of a monster (one you build yourself) he also provided canapés and wine for a few mates on the way to WDW last year overlooking lake Geneva apart from that - no lol
My customers are supermarkets who have me strung up by nuts, I'm lucky when they pay me enough to stay in business never mind about presents!.
used to get quite a few gifts from happy customers, bottles of wine, odd case of beer and sleeves of cigs when i worked at mercedes, even got a couple of burberry jumpers. The boss coller'd me over it because you are supposed to "declare" gifts. And got questioned over it, thought i was up to something because nobody else seemed to get half as many gifts!! thought I was fiddling the invoices. ( fucking tossers ) My customers just liked how i dealt with them. Hated dealing with joe public though, met some right arrogant wan***s who thought they were far superior cos they drove a Merc. Makes me laugh though now sad pathetic tossers. Some of the worst customers where reps though and didn't even own the cars........ ( not saying all reps, just some)
generally get a pile of malts at crimbo. but that's pretty cool, getting a wee collection going here. got a 749 in yeella, gt1000, multi and now a monster.nice one. how sad am i.
Cheese and caraway seed scones that one of the financial advisers' customers bakes for her whenever she has a meeting to discuss his pension. The adviser being a very diet and exercise conscious woman brings them back to the office where the support staff, me included, descend on them like hungry gannets. Char's Swiss customer gets my vote of approval - I was one of the lucky bunch of Monsteristi fed and watered at his stunning home on the way to WDW.:smile:
For my wife's birthday, I paid for a star to be named after her. From now on, Beyoncé is to be known as Ethel Thwaites
get given quite a lot of meat, mainly steaks or sausages, from butchers, lots of pasties from shops, regularly got a box of trout from a trout farm, that filled the freezer up, trays of eggs from an egg packing factory and bottles of beer from a brewery i do ; )
I get a homemade Christmas cake every year off one of my regular old ladies Was given a box of chocolates couple weeks ago Had a £5 given me after work to treat myself to a coffee
going back many years Viv I attended a breakdown to one of the sainsburys stores on my patch that had lost power, I walked away 8 hours later after southern power had dug up the road and mended a phase fault to the store with 2 carrier bags full of posh cheese,and loads of other chilled stuff, the store had to throw all the frozen food away and all chilled items so me and the staff had as much as we could and the rest was skipped, god I was on cheese overload that month, kev