Electric Bike - Worth a watch!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Aug 20, 2013.

    #1 El Toro, Aug 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  2. It's got an arse end like my missus!...:smile:
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  3. Great find El T :smile:
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  4. How cool is that!!

    Maybe he should enter the TT 0 challenge ??
  5. Will have to take the engine out of the plane :smile: Would be awesome to see thou
  6. I posted the vid of his WERA races last year, that was a quick, quick bike. A lot of people poo-poo the idea of electric bikes, but they fascinate me. I'm still trying to get a test ride on the London-built Agility Saietta, I'll be sure to tell you when it happens.
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  7. I'd quite like a go on that myself. Hope you manage to swing it :upyeah:
  8. hell of a guy, great video find.
    I thought he'd only ridden a bike up pikes peak, not built it and done all those amazing things.
  9. What a cool dude. Lucky landing in the plane. Great video:upyeah:
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