748 853 Conversion Preferred Cylinder Head/ Cams?

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by sandking11, Mar 15, 2024.

  1. just about to embark on a 853 engine build
    my 748 is just a base model.

    I'd read the it'll benefit from 748r heads with a 853 cylinder kit.
    is that correct? Will they bolt straight onto my stock cases?

    ive located 748r heads, but no cams. would it be best with 748r cams or can I use something else?

    any input appreciated:)
  2. I'm not sure the heads will work as well without the cams. Maybe
    I have a 916 with the opposite - standard heads & 748R cams. Valve timing is important too.
    I also have a 853 with standard 748 heads & cams. The biggest difference is the extra torque from the additional 105cc.
    Ion the road my seat of the pants dyno cannot tell a lot between the 853 and 916. There was a big difference between the 853 and the 748.
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  3. thanks. might need to give CJS a call and see what he recommends
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I’ve had three 853cc conversions. One based around a 748SP which I rode on the road, one based around a 748R and one was based around an ex factory 748RS that were both used on track. I can highly recommend the EVR 853 kit, https://www.edovignaracing.com/en/p.../pistons-and-upgrading-kit-upgrading-kit.html, whichever engine you decide to use. If you are interested in going the whole hog, I have an ex factory RS engine that could be your starter. I also have new 2000MY 748R Pankl rods and new 748R valves. Andy
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  5. I used 748 sps cams in my engine, also used ti rods with light crank
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  6. thanks for the input guys.

    I may need those valves andy. can't remember whether there was any in the 748r heads.
    sps cams seem fairly easy to come by so may end up
    R heads
    sps cams
    evr853 kit.

    it's not a money no object build but would like 110+ hp whilst keeping the 748 revs. thar sound realistic on that spec?
  7. My 748r was 129bhp

    My tuned biposto was 119bhp
  8. wow. I've only a 45mm termi half system. Will that be good enough?

    I was riding a 1290 ktm today which reinforced a really don't want to do a 1098/1198 swap. couldn't wait to get back on the little 748!
  9. The difference between your engine and the 748 is like night and day.
    If anyone wants to buy an 853 bike send me a Pm. :D
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  10. Selling the 853 engine mate?
  11. No the whole bike. My days of sportsbikes are at an end. My body does not bend like it used too.
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  12. Welcome to my world :joy: Andy
  13. Seriously...yoga..! At the beginning you will think what is the point?... it's not possible... I'm too old, too inflexible..etc. But over time.. little by little things change. I've managed to restart playing squash to a decent level due to the effects it has on general physical ability. And still manage to ride properly, physically...;)

    Ps. I connect via video call to do the sessions.. it's simple and doesn't require hassle of getting to classes. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  14. The 748R heads won’t marry up to your inlet manifolds. You can’t use the R manifolds with the your throttle bodies either. I’d stick with the BP heads. There’s not much in it, especially if you tidy them up. I ran SPS T1 cams in mine and it went well enough.
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  15. I’ve practised and still do.
    It’s more than just not being flexible. Roads are so packed with traffic you need to have eyes everywhere and I prefer being sat more upright. Much more fun imho. Plus most bikes are brilliant these days, you don’t need to be head down and arse up.
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