Or something in between? I have to admit to finding his vlogs vastly entertaining. I have no idea why random thoughts, spoken over a movie of inner city commuting or squirting down country lanes should make great entertainment, but it does for me. I can also see that some might just not have that sense of humour - he's probably fairly polarising. But if you want a good laugh - in my opinion - check out this vid; the stories are great (just don't invite him round for the night).
He is a member if the club I'm off to do 2 days at Cadwell with this afternoon. His off roading on the gixxer was pure class but cant watch the others: find them boring
I was enjoying that till he had to add pissing and f****** Had to laugh at the directions and after he said I think that's the right way I got mesmerised by the journey mainly and switched off to what he was saying
I would like to know what he looks like, I have watched his videos for a while. As he says I bet he is very different to how I might image how he looks.
I'm interested to know what he does for a living. Seems to work in Soho - I was wondering if he wasn't a copywriter or something.
Yeah, he lives out in the sticks but travels into Soho for sure, I believe his other half is preggers too. lol
I'm glad to hear that as his vids are very professional. But then if he is a professional, that would explain it. It's when you get people who do something entirely different but just happen to be dab-hands with all sorts of software that life becomes depressing.
Yeah, thats a catch phrase, Double Decker! Well good luck to him. There are people out there that make $000,000 (6 figure) salaries from posting videos on youtube.
He did post a question on the subject of monetarisation. Suffice it to say that it didn't look like 6 figure payments were in order unless you are Psy.
Many people like TubeMogul's top 10 independent YouTube acts (estimated earnings and number of views in past 12 months) 1. Shane Dawson ($315,000/£200,000) 431,787,450 views Clean-living, wholesome 22-year-old Californian comic actor producing home-made sketches. 2. The Annoying Orange ($288,000/£185,504) 349,753,047 views Animated fruit created by Dane Boedigheimer that could soon appear on television. 3. Philip DeFranco ($181,000/£117,000) 248,735,032 views Video blogger (vlogger) who began uploading clips while at university. 4. Ryan Higa ($151,000/£97,200) 206,979,909 views Also known as Nigahiga, the Hawaiian-born Japanese-American evolved from lip-synching to original comedy and has had more than 150 million hits. Videos How to be Gangster and How to be Ninja went viral for him and his Yabo Crew. 5. Fred Figglehorn ($146,000/£94,000) 200,656,150 views Lucas Cruikshank, 16, whose videos aimed at children are soon to appear on Nickelodeon. 6. Shay Carl ($140,000/£90,000) 192,309,247 views An Idaho radio DJ and comic 7. Mediocre Films ($116,000/£74,600) 159,030,703 views Comedy clips created by Greg Benson. 8. Smosh ($113,000/£72,700) 154,936,876 views Comedy duo Anthony Padilla & Ian Hecox 9. The Young Turks ($112,000/£72,000) 153,807,362 views Current affairs discussions and satire 10. Natalie Tran ($101,000/£65,000) 138,871,829 views 24-year-old Vietnamese-Australian comic with popular vlogs. is the No 1 Down Under.
Baron has a little less than 2m views to date, so that will roughly (based on your stats) have made him some £935. Well, better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but currently not worth giving up the day job for. And if you take into account the amount of work that has gone into his "oeuvre" then if you wanted to make money, you'd be better off working in Macdonalds. The world is a competitive place, the Youtube universe monstrous. Get into the top 10? You'd need a lot of luck. The Baron disqualifies himself from mainstream popularity by appealing to people with motorbikes. That excludes about 95% of a potential audience.
I really like the vids, stumbled on them some time ago and after seeing the off road gixxer vid I thought he was a dick but then watched the others and the guy is brilliant, very witty and great running commentary on stuff we all think of when just plodding about. His comments about the Olympics is classic. "What is it with the Olympics?, just because someone can run faster than you..whats the big deal? I can go faster than you on my bike !. Brilliant.
I've been following his Vlogs for a while after stumbling into them. I find him quiet entertaining. The Gixxer off road was a good 'un and his Eurotrip looks promising.