Assen Wsb Help Wanted

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Red899, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. About to pull the pin on the above with one of my mates, dogs booked into vets, hotel and circuit tickets confirmed just trying to work out the least boring and painful route to Assen.
    Is it better to get a ferry further up the coast or just get the early eurostar to calais and swallow the 300 miles of motorway?

  2. It's as long as it is short, overnight ferry, arrive fresh closer to your objective or 300 mile head down on the motorway (boring - might be really raining hard too) or look for some more scenic routes to your destination along A roads. Try Googling "great motorcycle route from Calais to Assen"
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  3. Why not use Harwich to hook of Holland a 4 hrs sailing
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  4. Any driving is proper shit in the UK 200 miles over here feels like you’ve been to the Moon.
    It’s much easier to drive in mainland Europe as there are only fellow Brits and the Belgians you need to be wary of.

    Ferry’s are for peasants Eurotunnel is the only way I’d cross the channel.

    If you’re Kent way tunnel is what max 1 hour?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Yeh the ferries are coming up minimum 8 hours id rather ride round the m25 for 8 hours than bobbing up and down in the north sea for that length of time.
  6. I went with a chum a few years ago when he was living near Waterloo. We did the run from his house to the circuit in about half a day (motorway).

    Assen town the night before was mental, so many weird fairground rides (being dropped from a crane into a big net when the floor you were standing on opened - not one we tried). Also after the race people were lining all the roads and bridges for miles.
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  7. Struggled with booking accommodation at v.short notice so were about 6k outside of Assen in a "chalet", i dont have a problem with that but we'll see. Always nice to have a few eateries on your doorstep when youre knackered and dont feel like swinging your leg over a bike to go and look for something lol.
    If anyone off here wants to tag along youre more than welcome btw drop me a pm, more the merrier etc... :upyeah:
  8. As much as i love the current weekend schedule i still miss assen saturdays though lol
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