Happy ‘lay-in, gorging on egg shaped treats and doing super fuck all in the name of a mythical person’s cave escape’ weekend from me!
The advice from some doctor yesterday was don't eat one chocolate egg in one go, sod that what do they know about life.!
Easter was first a (pre Jesus) pagan holiday of renewal and rebirth. Honored in the early spring, it praised the pagan goddess of fertility and spring known as 'Ostara', 'Eastre' or 'Eostre'. Chocolate was first eaten by Olmecs in Mexico 1750BC. These Christians appear to have done a bit of rebranding, along with Cadbury! Enjoy the break everyone.
Chocolate Ramadan characters... You learn something new everyday. If there's some of these in Tesco's later I'll buy one.
Oooh, wokey-cokey-tastic! Lovin’ the Easter break. Time and a half right through to Tuesday ker-ching!!
People buy products for different reasons. This isn't indicative of one, merely marketing companies falling prey to the fear of not appearing to be inclusive.