A Spitfire and a Hurricane just flew low past my house, whilst banked!! Awesome. The sound of the Merlins were goosepimpling!!! Oh and I MEAN LOW!
i think you might struggle to fit a 27 litre supercharged V12 in a 916 chassis, sorry. they sound incredible though, my old mans mate looks after 2 spits and a P51 mustang for Rolls Royce, i did my work experience at school with him. amazing machines
You should make plans to go to Duxford "Flying Legends" next year. That will excite you. I went this year its a cracking Display and they look after Bikes Got some cracking Photos
I'm guessing you are somewhere in Cambridgeshire or Suffolk then? I have either a Spit, Hurricane or two Mustangs over here almost everyday. AL
Don't think it is the same one, but some guy did a 27ltr Spit engine in a Roller in the 70s which was so powerful it kept busting the transmission.............luckily he worked for Borg Warner; I think.........It was so fast the German Plod couldn't get it on their radar traps at 200mph in reverse.
One resides in Surrey, dont you know. Those chaps at bally Biggin Hill would appear to be the most likely bleeders. Oh, and topper. Lol.
I remember seeing a Lancaster, spitfire and mustang take off from Southampton airport and circle Eastleigh before the solent flyover must be 15 years back, what an awesome sight and sound, a memorable moment indeed