Liberty Media To Buy Motogp?

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Paul55, Mar 28, 2024.

  1. Exclusive talks to pay €4bn.
  2. Can’t find my post now but the intention to sell MotoGP (and WSBK) was muted quite a while ago. I remember when Dorna inadvertently acquired the rights to WSBK, its future looked bleak but in the long term, I think WSBK hasn’t faired too badly under Espeleta. IMO, I’m not so confident either MotoGP or WSBK can flourish under Liberty Media. Andy
  3. F1 has done pretty well under Liberty. Maybe they will try and repeat their success?
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  4. I thought it was just an internet rumour but it's in the Financial Times so it must be true.

    Not sure how I feel, it's just more Americanisation of our stuff.
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  5. Define pretty well. Worldwide viewing figures perhaps but the sport as a spectacle is on its arse.
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  6. Yep, alright I take your point about what’s happening on track, but they’ve got more people watching and talking about it, more fan engagement, better marketing. Wouldn’t it be a good think to happen to MotoGP/WSBK too? Isn’t that ultimately going to get more bums on bikes?
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  7. All the Sky pundits say that Netflix is responsible for the growth of F1, not Liberty.
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  8. My guess is wsb will disappear as will moto 2 and 3 and moto gp will play some kind of undercard role to f1.
    It’s not good news at all imo.
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  9. The world of motorsport has changed in recent years with the pay to watch thing actually reducing viewer numbers for pretty much all races, but guess the organisers end up quids in over the free to air days so wont change

    Agree on the not good news for sure

    I think they would be mad to try and combine F1 and MotoGP together - its two distinct disciplines. Also would be a massive blow to lose the lower classes from the events
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  10. I never watch the races, but I am a Drive to Survive addict.
    Off-track activity is way more exciting, especially when the media gag is removed.
  11. I don’t think the two events will be combined. Very different crowds for both. Promoters can fill the same circuit on two weekends currently, they won’t want to reduce that to one.

    F2 and F3 are important feeder series for F1 and they will want to keep that running.

    I imagine the bike manufacturers do quite well out of WSBK as a way to promote their bikes so I can’t see that going either.

    Liberty are into quite a few sporting brands, I think American football being one, but they don’t appear to be doing any cross promotion with F1. None that I’ve seen anyway.
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  12. Liberty have expanded F1, more races, more coverage, more viewers. They got rid of Bernie and probably will help the current FIA guy out the door soon.

    If they do something as successful with MotoGP there's no downside. I very much doubt they will pay £3.5billion and mess up, especially as they have a massive amount of marketing and organisational talent in place already.
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  13. I think WSBK Would prosper as well because American racing like British racing is based on WSBK
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  14. given that cvc was forced by the european competition commission to sell dorna before it could buy F1 I suspect Liberty will face considerable challenges in pulling this off
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. Lets hope this acquisition does NOT see the broadcasts switch over to Sky with it's ridiculous monthly payments and it's subscriptions fattened up with wall-to-wall football. Zzzzzzzzz. Personally I dont want A PENNY going into Murdoch's pockets.
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  16. Yeah, cos TNT’s subs are far more reasonable ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. I would normally whole heartedly agree but im pretty sure he sold out a long time ago (or at least a large majority of his shares).
    I would also suggest having everything centralised again is where we want to get back to rather than paying for three or four different subscriptions every year (or it is for me at least).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. This is the big take for me (for now at least)

    "Dorna will stay an independently run company attributed to Liberty Media's Formula One Group tracking stock and continue to be based in Madrid, with long-serving Dorna CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta remaining in his position."
  19. I wonder what the future holds for BSB (tv wise).
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