Ragheads blowing things up

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. I've been subjected to two attempts of being blown up in my life so far. Both of which have been from people who wear headgear that has been described as the title of this thread. Why is this? Why does it seem that some Muslims want to take over the world? Fair enough some of them don't have the lifestyle of most of us on here, but why kill innocent peeps?
  2. Maybe the "Ragheads" are just targeting Racists?
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  3. I'm not a racist, so why?
  4. If you have to ask...........:rolleyes:
  5. That's just a daft comment. I've worked in several country's but find that some just want to takeover the world...
  6. Wank.....
  7. Because Muslims believe they are right and everyone else is wrong. Like Catholics, Protestants, Scientologists.......... oh hang on :rolleyes:
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  8. its all about the lingo, if you want to be taken seriously gonna need to change it.
    #8 finm, Aug 24, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2013
  9. Thread moved to: Teetering on the edge of deletion

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  10. Twice and survived. I'd be off to buy a lottery ticket!! Are you a secret agent? - "baddies" of all ilks are after these:wink:
  11. Where were you when these incidents occured and what were you doing ?
  12. Once when working as a contractor in Iraq, and the second, a year later with the London bombings... Also, when I worked for Royal Mail back in the 90's, animal cruelty protesters sent a small bomb that went off in one of the machines that sort parcels...
  13. Oh!... Sorry, I work in IT specialising in networks... Mainly security, hence why working for the MOD / government...
  14. There. Fixed that for you. :)

    Note the common denominator. extremist. We all have them in our midst. However currently these islamic extremist's reside in nations in turmoil and have free access to munitions. Munitions which are likely to have been provided by us.

    You reap what you sow.
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  15. Back in the 'good old days'of my youth it was the IRA trying to blow us up. Perhaps if we Brits had spent all of history at home instead of borrowing other people's countries for a bit everybody would love us ?
    Hang about, other countries borrowed Britain for a bit now and again as well. No matter what we do, good or bad, somebody will hate or resent us for it. If we do nothing and mind our own business,at some point we will be dumped on.
    Is it better to give or receive ?
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  16. So you can't see that using the term Raghead is offensive and racist then?
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  17. Sorry, but even when I worked over there the locals who spoke English referred to them as such...

  18. TBH as much as I admire the lyrics of this song, its unfortunately unlikely and frankly if humanity finally ended its sad existence, then I might get some sleep.

    The Earth will still be here when weve long gone and it will still be beautiful.
    #18 bootsam, Aug 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  19. Ahh, similar to black people calling each other the N word. I get it.
  20. What about America ? They too want to take over the world.

    But really you have to look at things like the Balfour Declaration to understand why Muslims aren't particularly fond of Westeners. Unfortunately many of us won't understand the deep rooted cause of the political agenda that separates the west from the east.

    Im ex military and you would have thought that I might be full of anger or hatred but I for one look deeper into the cause and I can partially understand the reasons for such anger and frustration.

    As Final_Edition correctly stated the term can be construed as offensive, it's this attitude that causes wars.
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