Hi All, found a chap not on the forum who supplied new bezel/ perspex to solve the cracked glass on the temp gauge, not sure as he is on Ebay I should post a link as it may not be the done thing? but used a dremmel to cut away old bezel which is very soft and although takes a while very easy then refitted new bezel etc and problem sorted
nothing wrong with providing an EBay link if it helps owners out? There is a thread on here already which includes details of someone creating 3D modelling replacement bezels and even dimensions if needed.
I repaired mine by carefully removing the bezel. It's held on with several spots of glue I then removed the broken glass. Purchased a 2" domed watch glass and glued it all back together. If you look carefully at the original you will see that it is domed
I sell them for £40 each or £100 for a set of 3 plus postage. I usually make them to order but I think I have one set of 3 left at the moment. Can't check as I'm on holiday. Otherwise its 3 weeks or so for me to make some and have them anodized.
Hey Petsmith, i am not quite sure how to send you a private message, but i am very interested in buying the temp gauge repair kit for 2000 ducati 996. =)