Honda 530 V Twin Mower

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by J biker, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. …issues.
    Help needed. Plugs changed, filter changed and still smokes (running mega rich) Remove the filter, and it runs fine.
    Stripped carb, cleaned jets, checked over, all ok.
    Used hard for around a year but the same engine as my previous mower which had much more abuse without issue.
    Not sure what to look at next.
    Unplug one lead, either side, will start and run on 1.


    To add, ticks over nice. As soon as throttle opened starts to splutter and smkoke
  2. dead mouse or birds nest in air intake. can you see down air intake to the air filter. not from.
  3. Yep, all clear. Been completely stripped, checked clear throughout.
  4. does it run on one cylinder better than the other when you run with a plug off each and does the worse one make the smoke? either gummed rings from standing or (unusual) a broken oil control ring? can it rev it's nuts off or does it have some kind of limiter?
  5. with air filter removed, can you still make it smoke?
  6. No.
    It runs fine without the filter…indicating flooding. No difference between cylinders when running only one.

    Maybe wind back to last year. Similar issue, but filter was filthy and plugs black. Changed them and ran fine for rest of year. I use it semi commercial and cut steep banks and often dusty conditions.
    New plugs and filter a week ago ready for this year. But smoking under heavy load after an hour or so later cutting long grass, gradual loss of power until cut out.
    Checked various things, only removing air filter got it running again. So filter lightly fouled, foam filter has been washed and dried.
    Could it just be buggered plugs and a now slightly under parr filter?
    Throwing new plugs and filter at the machine every few hours is not viable.

    Stripped and thoroughly checked the carb inc following a Honda spec tech clean and rebuild. All looked spotless tbh with no blocked jets, gunk, dirt or anything odd. Float and valve have no adjustment but all working fine.
  7. Air filter sponge saturated with oil? - from tipping mower onto it's side....happened to ours.
  8. I hope, maybe…an hour ago I washed it out with lots of hot soapy water. Now drying. Will try again demain matin!
    It looked and smelled fairly clean though.
  9. Usually something simple, though the mind starts to wander…broken rings, valve clearances etc
    But it surely would not run sweet with the filter removed. Oh well, only one day wasted so far!
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  10. could be so many things - examining spark plugs.. any difference in colour after the cutting-out/spluttering? - so common carb for both cylinders? - i guessed it must be but needs confirming. are all jets removable or does it have any fixed jets like some modern outfits?
    Finally.. where is old engine? :) - what made it unuseable(can you fix it?)/are carbs interchangeable etc? I know it's a four stroke, but is exhaust straight through/ is baffle partially clogged?
  11. Old engine is in the old mower…sold it. The main difference is side ejection on newer mower.
    Spark plugs both black and sooty.
    Float needle has no adjustment, two adjustable jets on top, both set to Honda spec. They were behind blanking plugs. Tried a small turn in, plus out, deviating from where they were. Still smokes ‘with’ the filter.
    Maybe @ the royal is right about the foam filter, but it seemed clean(ish). Will find out in the morning, as I am now on crisps and wine. Had enough of the bloody thing for today :joy:
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  12. hard after so few symptoms/remotely, but certainly new factory spec air filter is a no brainer for me just for starters.
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  13. New filter, new plugs, cleaned pre-filter, stripped cleaned carb…now its running smooth and clean again. o_O
    Not sure if it is a tiny bit down on power, the grass here is not completely dry. But a result. Can only think the plugs got fouled with overloading the engine with long wet grass. At least I really know the carburettor and machine inside out now :thinkingface::joy:
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