Ragheads blowing things up

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. we are not a world power, feck me. If Russia decided to invade we would not stand a chance!... We pretend to be something we are not! There is no Great in Britain!
  2. Muslim is a follower of a religon not a race or ethnic minority ergo it cant be racist. Or have I missed something?
  3. Definition of "racism" :

    1) The belief that each race or ethnic group possesses specific characteristics, abilities, or qualities that distinguish it as inferior or superior to another such group.

    2) Discrimination against or antagonism towards other races or ethnic groups based on such a belief.

    Why would anyone think that the above is acceptable under any circumstances?

  4. people in Scotland definitely do not want nuclear weapons or to be involved in other people's wars. Opinion polls show this consistently with emphatic majorities.
  5. but can we still have the money instead......:wink:
  6. In another thread Pete offered the view that a single Oxbridge College has won more Nobel Prizes than the whole of the Islamic world, does that make him a racist by your definition ?
  7. so does that make me racist? I think not!
  8. Fuggin limp wristed queers.... Don't be soft. Have a fight!
  9. Oh dear, not another one of these threads. Please, someone, give it what it's due and delete it !

  10. I am resisting making comments about the Socialist Republic as it did cause offence last time..... :wink:
  11. I think we all need to grow a thicker skin and at the same time learn some respect. In the past one group would take a superior position from which to denigrate another group who now take the moral high ground from which to claim victimisation and special rights.
  12. Err, yeah. Probably.... Remember, offence is in the eye of the beholder and all that. If you choose to be offended then you will be. I've lived and worked all over the world (middle east and Africa springs to mind here) and have been on the receiving end of all sorts of shite, including a mock execution (now that one tested my sense of humour!) and more racist abuse than I care to remember. Now, did all that abuse ever bother me?? Nope, not one tiny fucking bit. I guess I'm much less fragile than a lot of people out there.
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  13. ...ah yes, Lennon who had quite a collection of fur apparel stashed in the Dakota apartment. A talented yet wretched hypocrite.
    #53 MJW61, Aug 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  14. Not sure I'd go with talented either..
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  15. He was an irritating Cnut with a fugly bird!
  16. Every single human being on the planet is a hypocrite. Some, however, try to do something about it. Try to inspire and promote change and accept the fact they are part of the problem too. Others just bemoan their lot, put their fingers in their ears and pretend nothing can be done and carry on regardless. Some just try to criticise and use judgements made out of time to substantiate mistaken allegations using current sentiment as evidence. Wretched is not a word i would have chosen. Lennon changed the world. What have you done lately?
  17. pmsl at your blatant stupidity. You may not enjoy his music but millions and millions did and do. Even today. The Beatles changed everything.

    I can let Radi's insult pass because that is just a silly insult. Meaningless and trite. To say he had no talent is to be blind to the obvious and shows you allow stupidity to cloud your objectivity.
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  18. this is the problem with ligo. i will get the same joke sent by two people one of which will get deleeted,
    because one is just a joke.i dont think there is subject out there that cant be tuch'd uppon with a gigle.
    the same joke will get drop'd because i know thay meen it. not funny.
    does that make me a hypocrite?, not sure.
  19. lol!...
  20. I laugh at your blatant ignorance. Hanging off the coat tails of McCartney and Harrison
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