Hi guys, very new here but so far recieved a warm welcome. Now I've found my home for the time being I thought id share some pictures of my X. I have orderd a new MS and was going to trade this in against it but I blow hot & cold with that idea as its such fun to own. My only gripe is the buffeting that seems to be a common issue, and as you can see i've gone aftermarket, however this hasn't gone far to resolve it.
The buffeting is often caused by the mirrors. Remove them and go for a ride. If there’s a big improvement. Purchase aftermarket ones that mount a lot wider and a lot lower towards the bar ends. Is worked on a few bikes over the years for me.
Jesus christmus those locks, nice. Welcome roger_coleman' Reminds me of this blacksmith This is the guys channel:
Thanks, the doors are so big I had to get them fabricated, along with the hinges. They are super heavy. The finishing touch was the 50cal casing on the slider. Appreciate the tip for the mirrors. I’ve found the part that holds the mirror is real loose anyway and no obvious way to tighten.
I’ve tried a few screens on my DX to get rid of the bufferting, a taller screen didn’t help. I now have the shortest screen I could find, a Puig sport, bufferting has gone, still has wind noise, I wear earplugs on a long or spirited ride so I can live with that.
Yes that's correct, it's fairly loose and I am forever adjusting it. Strangely it's only the nearside as the other is OK.