Random 'ducati' Picture Thread

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Exige, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. ............more like you'd receive a FREE coffee if you rock up at 7am.:p
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. This just came upon Google. I think it looks really nice. 65DC3B49-1331-441C-8D25-30F589CCE2C0.png
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  3. nope, lost me on that one - is a toaster involved?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. One day i might leave a toaster in the middle of the carpark for you and take a photograph & post it on here if that satisfieds you.o_O
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  5. gettyimages-171995746-612x612.jpg
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  6. [​IMG]
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  7. what a poser, anyone sticking their knee out with red leathers on a bike wearing a number 20 must be a complete and utter tuesday.

    said someone on this Forum
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  8. Enter Henry Cole................
  9. Not seen that before

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  10. Ducati Festa 046.jpg
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  11. Ducati Festa 065.jpg
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  12. No he's just a complete no nothing about bikes COCK.

    Steve R
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I've often wondered how they do that... disassemble the engine, (carefully) cut the casings & then reassemble.
  14. I actually like him and his early travel shows across the USA, he's bringing something to the table whether you like him or loathe him.
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  15. Almost every time he opens his mouth on a bike show he proves that he knows cock all about the subject.
    I'm sure he's quite a nice person, but as far as anything technical on bikes he should keep quite instead of proving he's a fool.
    #6695 Steve Robins, May 9, 2024
    Last edited: May 16, 2024
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  16. I think he likes playing the fool! The fact that he is passionate about bikes and produces content that promotes bikes is a major positive in my book. I have had the pleasure (yes it is a pleasure) of nattering to him a couple of times when a camera isn't in front of him and he certainly has some more knowledge and depth to him that doesn't come over on screen.
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  17. You've hit the Nail on the Head there in my opinion, because it makes better Telly, and it gives the opportunity for somebody to explain the situation to him and hence the viewers.
    Similar to another TV motoring personality that everyone loves to hate.

    Yes, and that can only be a good thing.
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  18. In understand that he's probably dumbing it down for "Joe Public", but for me every time I give in a watch him he just confirms that it's like reading a Alan Cathcart article, where I end up wondering if either of them know which end of a sparkplug actually goes into a motor?
    It's just that the technical parts are just so inaccurate. A point that peeves me very much as I'm an unashamed anorak as far as bikes go.
    They both need a proof reader before either of them go into print or stand in front of a camera and speak.

    Steve R
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. another reason that i like this Forum as often caught out - i'm really surprised that you like him Simon/Nasher :upyeah::thinkingface::) seems harmless enough, each to their own etc but it's a :zzz: from me.
  20. He promotes motorcycling which can only be good..
    • Agree Agree x 7
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