So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Well yesterday I was at my nieces wedding up north.

    This morning I was nursing a hangover. Then we went to see my olds for an hour or so, before heading to Leeds to pick up our granddaughter who's staying the night at ours whilst #2 son and wife go to see a band tonight.

    Tonight I will be mainly playing peek a boo amongst other childish things :upyeah:

    I will also be trying to work out when and where I should go on my bike tomorrow :smile:
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  2. I'm just off to poxy hospital for the third time this weekend:mad:
  3. 12 mile walk along the Cotswold Way. Planning tomorrows excursion on my Diavel.
  4. Slipped disc:frown:
  5. And what can they do for you?
  6. And sorted the garage too ;)
  7. Tickle my toes, apparently. Well, that's what the doctor did. Dunno, gotta see my regular doc on tuesday.
  8. Cleaned the guttering out as its been overflowing in the heavy rain lately.

    And gave the Duc a good clean after yesterday's fun at Bedford Autodrome.

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  9. Bedded in a new set of T30s on the MTS and wired up the bike garage for power so I can plug the MTS into a battery conditioner.
  10. This morning I went to a 3hr Yoga Workshop.Learnt some more relaxation techniques.While I was there I got in to conversation with a lovely girl who has the same illness as me.Not having spoken to anyone before who has the same problems was very helpful-I realise now that the weird way in which my illness affects me is quite normal,in a manner of speaking.
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  11. done the oban lochgilped tarbert tyndrum glencoe loop. magic.
    throtle stuck 1/2 open at glenorchy breefly, put me on edge for last 30mls and now making squeek when twistig throtle?
  12. Oh and cleaned both bikes...been busy afternoon after watching he racing too ;-)

    and I'm prettyproud of my effort on building the slides out to make a full size single...homemade and ready to fall apart :)
  13. Jesus mate, I did that last year, months of anti inflammatory pain killers. When you sit down, you want to stand up, when you stand up you want to lie down. Round and round it goes. Despite what you want to do, which is stay still, that’s the worst thing you have to keep moving to stop the muscles around the disc getting lazy. If it doesn’t get any better within a month you may need scanning ( like I did) to see what’s going on) then weekly physiotherapy which worked for me, I still have off days, when it feels like the ‘marbles’ are about to fall over’ but they are few and far between.
    I also had a bunch of exercise sheets I was given to do each day, I may have thrown them away but will have a look around and if I can find them I will scan and send you a copy if you like ?
    Just get some proper advice from someone who knows what they are doing.
  14. 90 mile blitz of open twisties. Just back; quick shower and off to the local country show. Perfick!

    Can now add cleaned the Pani and just back from a cycle ride. Off for another shower!
    #7214 Bobthedog, Aug 26, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2013
  15. Silverstone again for a TD, borrowing an R1 off them for the day and I have to say it's a lot better than I expected, in fact I actually really quite like it. Roomy, plenty of grunt and handles superbly.
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  16. 3 hours on the Diavel followed by 1 hour cleaning her. Stopped for fuel just outside Chipping Norton & had a good chat with a Multi owner - cheers mate!
  17. I've spent the day firing nurofen down my neck at a heady rate. I was given tramadol by the doc I saw yesterday, but after a couple of them my head felt like it was upside down and I was still in pain.

    I think I'm allergic to pain.
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  18. try some oxi contin works wonders for tooth ach. probably send you la la for a day or two tho. as i found out after a customer gave me one last month. took 1/2 couldnt drive for 24 hrs.
  19. Today I have been mostly nursing sore eyes and have been asleep half the afternoon. The half I was awake I have been watching BSB on the telly box.
  20. stop feckin moaning and take it like a man... :wink:
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