Spotted: Sheds

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Advikaz, May 15, 2022.

  1. Spotted on that rich source of sheddage, FB marketplace...:D
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  2. IMG_4802.png
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  3. Not the full car, but...
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  4. Nice welding!
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  5. I'm gonna guess it's a V8 with side exhausts - I wonder if the welding on the other side is any better now they've had some practice.

    Couldn't even be arsed to file off the burrs... :rolleyes:
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  6. That's quality
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  7. I’m going to guess it’s a Vauxhall Nova which is fitted with a stereo that’s more powerful than the engine.

    Also, surely the ports/exits should be raked towards the rear of the car rather than the front?
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  8. Not a shed per se but I certainly wouldn’t go that far either

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  9. You know nuffin' boomer...:rolleyes:
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  10. IMG_5288.png IMG_5287.png IMG_5357.jpeg IMG_5358.jpeg
    View attachment 314635 View attachment 314636

    Absolutely glorious. I don’t know where to start tbh as there’s something for everyone, but particular highlights are:

    1. Trying to pass off an ordinary Merc as a Maybach (“they’ve rebadged it you fool”*) in any circumstances is bad enough, but to do so when you live on a road where the houses are probably worth significantly less than the car you’re imitating is extraordinary.

    2. The 12(!), count ‘em, 12 exhausts. I know not whether they’re all functional or, if not, which ones are merely dummies. I suspect at least some of them are, as only the pinnacle of the S Class range had V12 engines, but given the plethora of badges fitted to this abomination, it’s not possible to say which model it is.

    3. The abusive registration number. He’s basically driving around in an obscene publication.* I suspect it might be a show plate as I can’t work out how legit digits can be manipulated to produce that result and, also, the DVLA won’t issue VRNs that can be rejigged to spell out naughty words.

    * If you know, you know…..

    Edit: I’ve done some digging on that Google and it turns out that this car has a large and enthusiastic following amongst fellow shed-spotters worldwide. NB: the owner is Belgian, which solves the reg number mystery.
    #730 Zhed46, Apr 15, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2024
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  11. If you were to place the first “1” very close to the “M” and then turn the second and third “1”s into a “U” by placing a fixing or small piece of black tape between them, then it would spell “Munta”. However; it’s not really a munter either. It’s just a rather dull, underpowered (only 1.8L/140 BHP in a 2 ton car) and ageing exec saloon, for which nothing more exciting than a lifetime of Uber trips awaits, so that then begs the question as to why someone would fit it with an entirely inappropriate vanity plate.
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  12. IMG_4427.png
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  13. One from sunny norn iron. 514.jpg 513.jpg 512.jpg
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  14. IMG_4846.png
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  15. IMG_4433.jpeg
    Parked up near the opticians!
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  16. Bit to unpack here:

    Can only assume the claw marks are from the kids trying to escape... Also note "Living the Dream" above "The Beast".

    Pretty shite dream
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  17. You missed the “Princess on Board” sticker, which, along with a creased bumper and scuffed alloys, usually acts as a handy warning not to get too close. I find such adornments are very useful. See also, facial tattoos and anyone driving whilst wearing a hat (because they’re either a Max Power monkey, a police officer or an old age pensioner)

    #737 Zhed46, Apr 26, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
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  18. Recently I've found myself wearing my cap (tweed) whilst driving and am not quite sure whether this is because I am officially retired, am going balder by the day or just steadily bimbling towards dotage.

    However I suspect it's none of these & it is in fact because I am enjoying playing the old duffer role & pissing people off by driving at 48.6 mph cus I ain'y now in a rush.
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  19. IMG_4434.jpeg
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  20. Pretty Vacant.
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