
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Yesterday was 2am, but today I slept in till 3.30am :upyeah:

    At least I should get up in plenty of time for my trip to Scotland tomorrow :smile:
  2. Take wife and available children to Tunisia on holiday. Swap them for camels.

    Get a different job, possibly as a Bedouin nomad.

  3. I might nerd a job that works shifts. I think I'm suited to it :rolleyes: :frown:
  4. on nightshitft myself at the mo
    finish at 6am whoohoo
  5. i find having a good kip helps the insomnia
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  6. whats that kippers, good kippers.
  7. You are focussing too much on it. If you think about it too much it will only get worse. Try cannabis. Have a doobie before bed.

    I have a problem with a kicky leg. When I begin to drop off my leg will kick and it wakes me up. I can have these attacks for months on end and it will also dissapear for months on end. Drives me nuts and can keep me awake all night. I thus have a weak one skin bifta and this does the trick. Fuck knows how. My only trouble is locating the damn stuff these days now i am older and not a student. Still, it lasts me for months and months when I do find a small piece. Usually from a mates kids. Its the only damn thing that works.
  8. bad sleep is terrible.
    I work 12 hr shifts, 2 weeks days 2 weeks nights and suffer horrible sleep as a result of the patterns
  9. I suffered from terrible insomnia for months about 10 years ago, like El T, a mixture of work and personal stress, job I hated, new relationship and first baby on the way.

    10 years later the baby is now a beautiful young girl and also has a lovely 8 year old brother, new relationship has turned into a fantastic 10 year marriage, and the job I hated? I told the sociopathic twat of a boss to stick his job up his arse, gave them back the three week old 40 grand Bmw and walked out, had three months off, bought into a business and ever since have slept like a log, it's all stress related I'm afraid.
  10. Mines back :( sitting with a rum wide awake :( day 5 of this :(
  11. I know it is :frown:
  12. try watching the history channel works for me. up about 4 this morn again.
    cant sleep without tv on.
    put the crime channel on, it will leed to some intersting dreams.
  13. Exercise the bull then a few strong pills and some whiskey you wont remember a thing but you'll still feel shite the next day. Could it be old age remember your youth when you didn't give a shit about anything and could sleep all day where's that gone.
  14. Was awake at 4 this morning. Did my usual (lie there for 45 minutes failing to get back to sleep, caught up on the Archers on Radio 4 iplayer on my laptop, but then made the mistake of spotting an interesting sounding programme (interview with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails about the musical influences on his work) which was guaranteed not to help me drift gently back to sleep!
  15. Then the only way to solve it is to make some major life changing decisions to dial that level of stress out of your life, Financialy we are living on 60% than 10 years ago, but at least I sleep like a baby through the the night now, so it's defiantly worth it, as the Budists say; forget the destination, just focus on the journey. There is a lot of truth in that!
  16. The funny thing is that I enjoy my job. Immensely.

    It's just that at the moment I'm waiting on two or three major projects dropping. And they are taking their blummin' time and there's sod all I can do to change things.
  17. looking at the time of posts on here i dont think your on your own there.
  18. If it's entirely out of your hands, then it should be stress free. Stress normally occurs where there is some sort of inner conflict - like you want to do one thing and should be doing another. If you've given it your best shot, forget about it and go to sleep. You've had this problem for months. There will always be projects in the air. You have to learn to just switch off.
  19. very true, in my experience, my lack of sleep was stress related due to extreme anxiety, which if allowed to continue can become a vicious downwards spiral which in some cases can lead to depression. Glidd is right most stress is about not feeling in control, as I said earlier for long term health and happiness you really do need to dial it out of your life. Work is a means to an end, it should not be your life, yes great if you enjoy it, but it should not keep you awake at night, no job is worth that.
  20. The boss of Swisscom committed suicide recently.

    You'd have thought he'd have packed it in before it came to that.
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