Hoping to get the fairing off again and have a good clean, thought it would be easier steaming it but as I’m still newish and seeing the amount of electrics under there I’m not so sure? anything I should avoid on a 1299s or just not do it at all? cheers
Just avoid all the electrics and all the bearings/pivot points, which come to think of it means don't do it.
I'm in the yes camp as last time I looked, motorcycles aren't made of sugar. If that means I'm going to hell , so be it. Atleast I'll be arriving on a clean bike
It will be clean. It won’t work properly, and it will be very expensive to get it working properly, but clean it will be.
post of the day ^ steam cleaning:- great for many things, patio drives, kitchens, but even these two will show the toll they've taken as a result over time.
I would be concerned about steam cleaning stripping away any factory and post purchase corrosion protection. As well as getting into electrics, affecting things like hoses and plastics. Removing some grease from any exposed or poorly protected bearings, chain etc. If determined to do it I'd be booking the bike in for professional ACF50 or equivalent treatment immediately afterwards. Otherwise those clean looking surfaces will look irrevocably shite in no time.
I'd simply avoid steam cleaning, however the same can be said for pressure washing. If you're smart you can use both, but make a mistake allowing water creep into connectors will result in a bad day. Hose, sponge and detail brush is all that's needed to clean a bike. Rust treatment is something I believe every bike needs after a clean, and as Bumpkin said, any protectant already there will be stripped by the steam.